
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Two Down, Many to Finish

50 this morning, clear and bright.

Thank you all for your kind comments on yesterday's post! After an evening of doing not much, I felt fine this morning, so it was garden time again. Of course, when is it not garden time at this time of year? 

I finished the rose garden this morning, putting down cardboard and then mulch. I had moved two bushes, and planted two others Sunday...or was it Monday? Can't remember. Anyway,  I am happy with how it looks.

I have always wanted a little rose garden. I remember our neighbor Mr. Knox, when I was a child, out working in his beautiful roses. He was quite elderly,  a veteran of WWI, and never married, but he had a large rose garden. I have wanted one ever since.

After finishing that garden, I got to work on the new herb garden. 

Still some left for the planters by the house. I like these for being able to run out quickly and grab what I need.

I have undoubtedly planted everything too close together, as it seems to be what I do even when I try not too. Ah well, we shall see. I kind of planted in rays coming out from the birdbath, with other things seeded or planted in the back corners. I am still puzzling over what do with that bank at the back of the garden, but may just be content with keeping it trimmed down. There are some wild daisies there which I am trying to let grow, but it isn't easy to trim around them. I will mulch this garden too, as soon as the seeds are up.

Now I need to get back to the vegetable garden. Plenty still to do there.  That might wait until tomorrow though. Granddaughter Grace, who just graduated from law school (a doctor in the family!), is stopping by to spend the night this evening, so I need to do some cooking!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Wonderful gardens, glad you are feeling better ! Bet you are proud of your granddaughter! How she does great in her career. Annie

  2. I hope the cooking and visit went well.

  3. Your garden looks fantastic and it's only going to get better.

  4. My dad grew 4 roses in a small garden in our front yard for a few years. It was my parents' first house in about 7 years, so I think he enjoyed having them as a project which provided joy. He also pushed a lawnmower by hand all over front and back yards every week during the summer!


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