
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Dirty Work

55 this morning, and cloudy. Rain is supposedly on the way.  I am praying that it really arrives. We need it so badly.

Pressure washing yesterday and today. It is not a job for sissies,  that's for sure. So far the patio, deck and about 1/3 of the sidewalks are done. I worked for about 5 hours on it yesterday and another 2 today. Won't I be glad when it is done!

We picked up 5 month old baby hens yesterday to add to our new flock. These are a black sex-link hybrid, supposed to be good layers. Apparently one of the other, older chickens we bought is a rooster, because someone is crowing down there. It could be a crowing hen---and you know the old saying about that! " A whistling woman and a crowing hen, both will come to some bad end." I don't buy the whistling woman part, but often a crowing hen will not lay, so she ends up in the stewpot.

And there in the back of the truck you can see my next project: putting up an arched trellis for the cucumbers.  I hopebit works as well as reported. This will arch over the tubs of strawberries plants.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Rain hasn't been coming our way either. There's been some in the region, but it skips around us.

  2. We finally got some rain today! Hallelujah! Hope you get some too!

  3. I used to have to do a lot of pressure washing down on the farm and found it oddly addictive - and messy. 82F here yesterday so a thunderstorm should be due soon; that's how our weather works in this part of the world.

  4. I had some black sex link hens one time and remember them being very good for laying. Doesn't everything look so much better after pressure washing! -Jenn

  5. I hope you enjoy your arched stock panel trellis! I love them. Well, I love arches, period. In May I took down some of my trellises because I needed the stockpanels elsewhere (for actual "stock") and buying more was not in the budget. But I'm experimenting with alternatives :)


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