
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Who is Confused? Me!

62 this morning, no rain until the evening but has rained steadily since 8pm.  Rain all day yesterday too. It is wonderful to finally be getting what we need.

So who got her dates and days all mixed up? Me! For the past week I was thinking my birthday was Thursday, and my appointment for the same day. So the reminder call from tbe doctor's office caught me by surprise. What? The 21st is Wednesday??? Well, I could blame it on my advancing age, but the truth is I never really checked a calendar.

So luckily the call meant I made it to my appointment, to learn that yes indeed, my gall bladder must come out---which I have been telling various doctors for three years. When is still an unknown but hopefully I will know soon and can plan accordingly. 

But birthday or no, I had to grab the opportunity of a dry morning to harvest 2 cabbages,  3 heads of broccoli, and a wheelbarrow load of beets. 

I managed to get the cabbages, broccoli and beet greens into the freezer before we had to leave. A bushel of beets is in the cellar until I can process them on Friday, because tomorrow we have a sourcing trip to Ohio planned. This is about half of what we grew in a short row; the rest will go to my friend Tamara as this bushel is plenty for us.

It has been a good day. A nice morning getting the veggies dealt with, then off to Charleston for my appointment,  and a fine dinner at Tidewater Grille, where your meal is free on your birthday--well, they actually discount your total for 2 people by 50%. I had Chicken Nicole, which was chicken breast with artichokes, mushrooms, and roasted red peppers in a creamy tomato sauce. Larry had fish and chips, a huge plateful that he couldn't finish. We ate outside on the patio, listening to the sounds of the city and watching people, always a fascinating activity.

I even had dessert! Raspberry peach cobbler with a little ice cream. I have to admit, it was disappointing,  but the coffee was good and the chicken was outstanding.

Back home, we both got to work on our painting projects, and had just finished up when Tamara and her husband stopped by with wine and fresh peaches from their trees. So early for peaches! 

I forgot to mention that yesterday afternoon we made a quick trip upriver to pick up a nice antique flatwall cabinet and 10 gallon stone crock. We stopped at one of our favorite bar and grilles, at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta,  Ohio for a glass of wine for me, beer for him, and fish and chips which we shared. So Larry has had a double dose of one of his favorite meals. I didn't hear any complaints about it from him.

I never tire of looking at the Ohio River (which actually belongs to WV along its length that borders our state).

This stunning settee is just one of many antiques in the hotel.

So my birthday celebration has stretched over a couple days. Pretty nice!

And what pleases a mother's heart more than hearing from her sons? I was able to talk to all 4 of mine, such a treat.  

Now it is time for bed, and to let this lovely day come to a close. Good night, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You certainly had a ‘gall’ to mess up on that date. 🤓
    I don’t don’t if anybody uses that expression anymore (gall). My mother might be the only one that I can remember saying it.

    1. Oh, well done there, AC! Actually, I use that expression myself, but I wonder of younger generations do?

  2. Happy Birthday! Barb had her gall bladder removed several years so. Seemed seamless and has not had an issue since.

  3. No gallbladder for over 30 years...I eat everything I like now. Laspriscopic surgery leaves almost no scars. Still have to get the anesthetic out of your system afterwards though. Loved seeing the river too! And it's neat you say going upriver to somewhere...just as understandable as following that creek. Which reminds me, with all the rain, I want to go check on our local creek!

    1. I really hope laproscopic is the way mine will go, Barb. You know what is funny is that in WV we always say we are going up or down, depending on our destination! I wonder if the same is true in your mountains?

  4. Happy Birthday! It sounds like a good one. Hopefully your gallbladder will come out without any issue. Looks like you had a good harvest :)

    1. Thank you! Fingers crossed that all will go smoothly.

  5. Happy birthday! Your comment on my blog yesterday made me chuckle, I know I would take a photo.of those black white outlines. :) Hope your surgery goes well with no problems.


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