
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Back to Normal

69 this morning and cloudy after a muddle-of-the-night thunderstorm. Got up to 86, humid.

Quick look at the at a couple gardens. 

My tiny, very weedy wildflower patch. I have left it to do what it will. It is pretty, even with the weeds.

An angle I rarely take photos from, looking from the lower driveway up to the house. I was in the truck, getting readybto head up the hill to Sarah's cabin yesterday.

I haven't had much time to work in the gardens this week. I did manage to hoe out the latest planting of beans and celery, and hill the leeks again. We picked beans and I canned 12 quarts, and also did up 9 quarts of dill pickles. For the freezer, I froze broccoli, ground-up squash, and some Brussel sprouts. Made lemon squash bread and chocolate zucchini bread, and that Portuguese kale and sausage soup, which granddaughter Sarah loves. This morning I made omelets with tiny kale leaves, tiny broccoli, banana peppers, tomatoes, chives and parsley, all straight from the gardens. I love this time of year.

Today was town day, after Sarah left for the airport (we miss her like crazy already!). We bought another cattle panel for another cucumber arch, which we will put up tomorrow, after pulling the old bean plants. Also bought a new vacuum sealer because mine is giving me fits, and a small replacement microwave,  since ours is not working properly. 

So life is back to something like normal, at least for a few days. I have pre- op screening on Thursday for the gall bladder thingie next Tuesday. Regular aggravation but I guess it must be done. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Using cattle panels for an arch is a great idea!

    1. Jim, I have wanted to try this for several years, and I am hooked! We plan to use them for pole beans next year, and maybe some tomatoes too.

  2. Goodness, canning to me seems like such a huge thing, and you just listed it in with so many others! I'm very impressed with all that in a day. It's about to go over 90 degrees today. For our mountain area that's pretty unusual. And the drat smoke from Canada is hitting us again. I feel so bad that those people have the fires, and that I can't be outside much.

    1. I have done it for so many years that canning is as routine as doing the dishes. But sometimes I will try a new recipe and that takes more time.
      It will be in the 90s here too, but no smoke. Can you imagine what kind of summer those poor people are having?

  3. Apparently, we had a good rain last night, but I was unaware at the time. Temperatures are going up for the rest of the week, so nighttimes may not be as good for sleeping without the AC.

    1. Yes it will be hot here too, AC. At least you wife can say she always sleeps with the AC!

  4. I like the old rusty pot that has the flowers in it. It looks nice.

  5. Ooo. Lemon squash bread sounds fabulous! Care to share a recipe or link?

  6. (Sorry, forgot to enter my name/link again!) Lisa here, asking for lemon squash bread!

    1. Yes, I will post a link today, Lisa. It is so good! And the recipe makes 2 loaves.

  7. Early this year I took down two of my stock panel bean and squash arches because I needed them elsewhere - for livestock, in fact - and I've missed them SO much in the garden. Net trellis and fenceposts just doesn't compare. Don't know how I'll manage to get more stock panels here unless I pay to have them delivered from the feed store, in which case I'd have to buy several to make the cost worthwhile. Always nice to have them on hand, though, and they never sit idle for long!

    1. I am definitely a convert to those panels, Quinn. I can see so many uses. We plan to buy one each month, and eventually we will have enough to fence in the garden.

  8. Kale and sausage soup sounds delicious - and a good way to eat kale too. We use in in salads (sparingly) but I am not a great fan. I eat it because I know it's good for me.


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