
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

On Tug Fork

65 this morning, a beautiful start to the day after another stormy evening.

Photos from our drive to pick up furniture from a friend's barn Sunday.

The creeks were muddy after recent rains.

Hard to see but this is one field in our friend's 10 acre pumpkin patch. He also has 5 greenhouse of tomatoes.

Black- eyed Susans and Queen Anne's lace bordered a long stretch of the road.

Roadside traffic--wild turkey.

A nice garden, lined with sunflowers.

Driveway traffic--guinea hens

Whitetail deer are everywhere these days. Our county is overpopulated,  I think. 

There must have been a house here once, as there is that blooming bush. I am not sure what it is, perhaps Althea? More pumpkin plants in the background.

An old tractor, out to pasture.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I can't see it quite well enough to tell for sure, but the pink blooming bush by that red shed might be Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus sp.). And I love seeing turkeys and guineas on the road! (They are so much less worrisome than all those deer, who tend to leap out when you're least expecting it...)

  2. The land, flora and fauna all seem to be thriving.

  3. If I got to do it all over again, I would have thought seriously about a pumpkin farm, or maybe a Christmas tree farm.

  4. Nice sights while on the road.

  5. I loved your photos! Best thing in the world is a drive down a pretty old road.
    The only pumpkins I ever had were eaten still green by the ground hogs. I gave up on them, nary a seed left either by the time the deer and crows finished them off. I had hopes of at least one volunteer left from them but not a one in sight. So we just bought market pumpkins from then on. Annie


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