
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Back to the Booths

70, cloudy and humid. 

Taking a break from the kitchen while I wait for water to boil. I have managedvto catch a summer cold so I am moving slower than usual today, but those tomatoes and that corn Larry picked won't get themselves put up, so it's kitchen duty for me today.

Yesterday was booth day. We had much to do, as we've been giving them a link and a promise lately. I still need to do more, but we made a good headway.

One of our favorite vendors is leaving one location, and has marked everything half price. For me, this was a godsend. I needed more small tables, and have had no time to go looking for them. Small tables and cabinets are steady sellers, and are vital right now when larger furniture is just sitting. (For whatever reason, big stuff sells better in cold weather. Go figure.)

So I picked up 3 pieces from our friend's booth and moved them right into mine! I told her, of course, and she was fine with it, as she does not want to pack it all up and move it back home.

Here's a look at some of what we added/changed up yesterday to our Ripley booth.

The little chest with drawers was one item we bought from our friend's sale.

Started adding some fall decor, even though it seems quite early to me. But people are shopping for it already.

IhmThis is the cabinet Nancy and I finished this week. If you are thinking you have seen it before, well,  I have a very similar one at our other location. I considered painting it some other color, but around here, white is what sells  so white it is.

I try to roughly color coordinate and theme each shelf although that is not always achieved.

 I am slowly downsizing my Blenko Glasz collection a bit. Odds are no one in my family will notice because I still have a lot of this colorful glass.

The table here is also from our friend. Hard to see it with the suitcases on it though.

Larry put together this little stool from bits we had laying around from other projects.

I buy wreaths whenever I can find them reasonably priced,  i.e. under $4.00. I don't mark them up too much, but they add a nice touch to our booths.

I have sold quite a few cutter quilts recently. This cabinet was stuffed full a month ago.

And this suitcase was pretty full of small framed prints. I had a gallery wall in my living room that I did away with when we added the antique mantle, so off to the booth they went.

Grab bags have been very popular at this location. They typically sell out in a week.

 I still have this lovely little chair. It may have to come home for a coat of paint and paired with a small desk waiting its turn for repair and paint.

Well, that's it for today. Back to the kitchen I go.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You have some really fun stuff. I seriously adore that little chest. Hope that you are feeling soon, Sue.

    1. Thank you, Angie. Dayquil/Nyquil is my go-to, and got me through yesterday. Feeling a bit better today.

  2. The thought of displaying and managing all of the stuff just about has me breaking into a cold sweat.

    1. It's not for everyone, for sure. But we enjoy it, and meet the nicest people.

  3. Oh, you have some lovely pieces in your booth.

    One of my favourite memories from multiple trips to St Louis was the antique malls. One I went to many times must have had 150 booths and it was so frustrating not being able to buy anything that was too big to tuck into my suitcase!

    1. I hear you! We stopped at a yard sale in Wales once. She had the loveliest stuff! I bought a kind of wool cape/jacket that I still love, and two copper vases with a brass cross on them, but had to ditch some clothes! I learned to take cheap clothes with me that I could toss, and that way have room for treasures, lol! Last trip to England, I brought home mostly books. Heavy!

  4. May all your canning efforts be easy! Stay cool!

    1. Thank you, Barb. I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel now. Yay!

  5. If I ever find myself furnishing another little home, I hope I have the ability to visit your neck of the woods and do all my shopping in your booths!

  6. Between the gardening, canning and the booths I don't know how you found the time to catch a cold!

    1. I think it caught me when I wasn't looking, Jim!


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