
Saturday, August 5, 2023

Little Things

65 this morning, a few clouds and humid. Reached 89 today. Larry is watering again, all gardens are so dry. Rain in the forecast tomorrow evening, so fingers crossed that it will be so.

The second container arrived this morning for Sarah's cabin.  Our son Derek was here at 7 a.m. to be on hand should his help or his truck be needed. Remember last time, he had to pull the tractor trailer out of a soft patch! 

Can barely see it now, resting on the slanted drive to the left, behind the trees.

This time it all went smooth as butter and by 8am the guys were back inside for breakfast. I stayed on the porch, taking a few zoom shots with my camera. There was one point where the container was jacked high in the air on one end and looked pretty precarious, but I shouldn't have worried. So next step is our neighbor with his dozer to get it up the hill, then the mobile home movers will be here again to put it in place. Whew. 

I concentrated on taking it easy today, after a pretty tiring day yesterday. I am surprised by how quickly I wear down, but I guess it's to be expected. I am glad to be rid of the brain fog caused by the pain pills, and thankful I could quit taking them fairly quickly.

So mostly a routine day, dishes, laundry, sweeping. Then reading. And since I was reading a book set in England (Maisie Dobbs, by Jacqueline Winspear), I made raspberry scones with some of our frozen berries and a pot of OG Tips tea. Heaven.

These two little beauties arrived in the mail this week. They were a giveaway item in one of the glass groups I am in on Facebook, the Early American Pattern Glass Society. Aren't they sweet? 

I don't think you can see it, but the name "Susann" is in silver on the little creamer. Close enough to my name! Like all pattern glass, these were made sometime between 1870 and 1915. I have yet to look up the actual pattern names. Longtime readers here know my love and interest in old glass, and I am happy to have these in my collection.

We were sad to hear that we will not be getting the free tomatoes from my son's friend, as he has decided to continue selling what he has left as canning tomatoes. Ah well, it was awesome for the past 4 years to have enough tomatoes to make 80 quarts of juice, plus salsa, pasta sauce, etc. Our tomatoes are ripening very slowly and we will have quite a few, but getting 5 bushels at a time of beautiful tomatoes was such a blessing. All good things must end, and I am honestly surprised that he didn't sell them as canner all along.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I've never noticed your name before. My wife is a Susanne with an e. Sorry the ah was omitted in your case. 😊

    1. Your wife's spelling is pretty unique, I think. I actually just have an a at the end, no h. Alhtough since my last name starts with h, the mistake is often made. I don't mind--I actually answer to Sue, Susie, Suse, Suzanne, even Suzette.

  2. I was supposed to make scones for a women's circle this afternoon, but woke up with a really woozy head from a fever, for the 3rd day. Not going to the circle, and not sure if I'll make scones...but mine will be blueberry ones...if I do. Love Winspear's books! (At least I've tested and negative for COVID)

    1. That's not good, Barb. Do you think it's a sinus infection? I hope you will get to the doc if it doesn't clear up by tomorrow. I am glad it's not Covid though. Blueberry scones sound good too.

  3. How exciting to get the other contain delivered and in place. Looking forward to seeing the next steps!

    1. Yes, I am relieved it was so easy. Now on to getting it in place.

  4. At least part 2 of the container went nice and smooth.

  5. We're building a little granny house for my husband and me....this looks a lot easier than what we're doing. Do you mind sharing what company she used? I'm wondering if we should have used something like this.

    1. Well, she opted for the basic model, so she will have to do all the finishing. This is basically a shell. She used Container Homes USA.

  6. Glad to hear you are recovering from the surgery and getting around okay, if carefully! I left a comment on your earlier post but for some reason it came up as Anonymous! Could you tell it was me? :)

    1. Yes, I could! I am nearly completely recovered now, just a tiny bit of soreness, and still tire easily. But no tummy problems at all, have been able to eat and drink what I want. Of course, our diet has always been low fat, and I rarely drink coffee now, so two big irritants are not an issue.

  7. I made a blueberry clafoutis the other day and it's mostly gone now. You got me to thinking about scones and I'm wondering if the leftover blueberries are sturdy enough for some blueberry scones. Hmmmm.

    1. Now I need to find out what a clafoutis is! Sounds so intriguing! And I do have some blueberries on hand...


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