
Monday, September 4, 2023

Jon, Remembered on His Birthday

We lost Jon in 2010 in an accident. Today he would have been 53.

From being my baby,

to a wild, happy little boy (in the center of the left photo )and a hard worker(pictured here in our first garden on this place, 1976 or 1977--it was pretty rough back then),

to high school, giving a talk about tires because he worked part-time at a tire shop,

then the Army for 10 years,

where he worked in the White House for a while,

marriage and 5 daughters (pictured here after his death) ,
with his 4 brothers (back row, 2nd from right), the last photo I have of them all together, I think,
a Master's degree in Business Administration, 

his first granddaugher,

and final resting place.

So many more memories, far too many for one post. If you'd like to read more about Jon, just click here.

Loved and missed every single day.


  1. Happy Birthday, Jon. I really love the photo of Jon holding his granddaughter...thank you for sharing those precious moments of his life with us, Sue.

    1. Thank you, Angie. He was truly a special guy.

  2. A good remenbrance of your son, and I cannot imagine what the feeling would be of losing a child...even as an adult. I'm so glad he is still part of your life.

    1. He is very much part of our lives still, Barb. So many Jon stories!

  3. Happy birthday Jon. 5 daughters, wow! My heart goes out to you and his family.

    1. His girls are all doing well, Jim. His spirit certainly lives on through them.

  4. A moving post. I too lost a child. He would have been 49. Life is never the same.

    1. I am so sorry. We are a club no one wants to join, aren't we. Hugs to you, my friend.

  5. I lost my son too soon also. He died of a heart attack in his sleep at the age of 57. His name, incidentally, was Scott. My sympathies to you, Granny Sue.

  6. How sad, Cat. It is a heartbreak only those who go through this can understand. Holding you in my heart, my friend.


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