
Thursday, November 2, 2023


24f this morning, hard freeze. Clear and still.

Well, that was definitely the killing frost! So glad I had everything as ready as I could get it, even to bringing the pumpkins inside from the porch steps. 

What a growing season it was though. I am grateful for the bounty, and now, time to look ahead to next year.

For today, these beautiful roses are a fragrant reminder of summer's glory days.

Our granddaughter and her boyfriend left for their home late last night, facing a 21 hour drive. They are over halfway now, after driving through the night. Ah to be young! I cannot even imagine trying to drive all night. They did send texts to let us know their progress. Buddy will sure miss playing with their three dogs. 

The tax assessors stopped by today. Both young men are neighbors (i.e. within that 5 mile radius I wrote about last week) and we have known them both for years...actually, we knew one's father when HE (the father) was in diapers! So we are now re-assessed for the coming year.

We had 3 kinda bad things happen a couple weeks ago: the gas fireplace that is our main heat source, the gas dryer, and the bathroom light fixture/ceiling fan all decided to quit working. Today Larry is putting up the ceiling fan; yesterday the part came for the fireplace and he forgot that fixed just in time for this cold snap. And last week the fuse we needed for the dryer arrived, so that is now fixed too. So not too bad at all, in the end.

So with all these problems solved, and the garden harvest safely completed, i am linking today to Michelle's Thankful Thursday. I am thankful indeed!

Another cold night is ahead,  but for now I will enjoy the sun and the relative warmth of 42 degrees. Stay cozy, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. What a beautiful tea set! <3 We too are heading into winter; overnight here in Atlantic Canada it was -1C (30F); and I've woken to a dusting of snow for the past 2 mornings.

  2. It seems that one weak thing calls the other. Gladly you could fix it all. Arent's we all thankful to have a warm home? All the best, Regula

  3. We here in Arizona are turning off the thermostat for cooler temperatures at night. Better for sleeping, Judy says. Then I turn the furnace on again when I rise to feed the (XW%%!@) darling cat at just before 5 a.m. The warmth feels good in the morning.

  4. That´s -4C - not nice at all!
    Nice all problems are covered, too.
    To cozy times (we have 52F)

  5. Your highland location must really affect your climate.

  6. I am glad that Larry could fix all the problems and you had a great harvest this year. Have a wonderful day, Sue!

  7. Glad to hear all problems are fixed and you can now enjoy some warmth when it's chilly out. Have a grand day and new week.

  8. Our gas fire died and it was so old we had to have it replaced. Parts weren't available any longer. The new unit is great, but it wasn't cheap!


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