
Friday, December 15, 2023

There and Back Again

21f , heavy frost, clear skies.

Yesterday's reading with poets Kirk Judd,  Sherrell Wigal, and Cheryl Denise went well. I do not like seeing myself on TV but oh well. The taping will be on YouTube on of these days, and when it is available i will post the link here. It was good to see friends I had not seen in a couple years. Plans are being made to have our annual "poet's camp" again this spring. I have missed it. Maybe it will get me back writing again, as I haven't written anything but this blog in a long time.

Inside the Culture Center:

And the Capitol dome. When I was a security guard here I went up inside that dome, all the up into the cupola on top. The view was outstanding. The inside is gray, with many, many steps, and I don't know if I could climb them today. But I sure wish I had had a camera with me back then!


After the taping we adjourned to Capitol Market for hot chocolate and conversation. While we were there, another friend that none of us had heard from in months happened to call, so we had a speakerphone five-way conversation. 

Inside the market:


I could not resist taking a photo of the shirt on the meat market's staff member.

But did I remember to take photos with my friends? Of course not. Next time!

Back in our little town the lights were all on.

I am not sure how they did it, but there was Santa in the Alpine Theater!

And finally, home to our pretty lights, as seen from our mailbox,

and along the walk,

on the porch,

and inside.

Then to our chairs by the fire to watch an Agatha Christie movie. A pretty good day.


  1. Sounds terrific! You amaze me with the jobs you have mentioned through the years! The lights are beautiful and your home especially too! Merry Christmas to you and Larry. Many blessings !

  2. Definitely a wonderful day! Loved your fireside shot, as well as the distance from mailbox to house! Wow! It's so great to visit with old friends this time of year!

    1. Yes, I really treasure time with friends. We have been lucky to see so many lately.

  3. I look forward to seeing this when you share the link. Nice to see all of your lights. I have enjoyed Christmas lights since I was a wee child.

    1. Christmas lights, and a washer, were what I missed most when we didn't have electricity!

  4. It is nice to see the big city once in a while, but I much prefer the sights, sounds and lights of a small town. Looking forward to your link!

    1. Agreed, Jim. Of course our "big city" barely has 50,000 people, so it's pretty small by most standards.

  5. I'd call that a GREAT day! I love seeing the lights in your town and in and around your home.


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