
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Rabbits and Furniture

22 this morning, clear and bright. A light skiff of snow overnight.

Definitely an inside day today as the temperature has been dropping all day, and with the wind it feels like -3°F. Larry has been in and out all day, as usual. No worries about ventilation here, as the doors opened at least 30 times yesterday! 

I was responsible for 10 or so of those drafts, going out to the cellar, the workroom, getting the pine cone to add peanut butter and sunflower seeds for the birds, letting the dogs in and out, etc. And Larry! Out to feed critters, get wood for the fireplace, in and out to the workroom where he has a few projects going, out to feed critters in the evening, take out the trash...the usual stuff around here. So the house gets plenty of fresh air.

On Thursday, Larry dressed out the first two of the rabbits we raised, with 4 more to be ready to go soon. We have been careful not to get attached to them, which can so easily happen. But these are meat rabbits, and I am glad they are all white because that makes it easier not to see them as individuals.  We have raised meat chickens in the past, and turkeys and hogs, but right now rabbits are easiest for us. And will replace store-bought chicken in our diet. That's the plan, anyway.

So yesterday I cooked the first ones, making this recipe for roast rabbit in wine and garlic sauce. It was delicious, and we have plenty left for dinner tonight. 

I have a few furniture painting projects going on right now, smaller pieces that tend to sell more quickly than the larger pieces that take more cash commitment.

This is one that I finished today, a little smoking stand. I made this more feminine, I guess, thinking that women who smoke out on their porch might appreciate this pretty piece.

Here you can see it as it was before paint. I had it for sale in my booth, hoping someone would buy it as is and save me the trouble of fixing it up myself!

And then a small wall table, as they are called, useful in all sorts of places,

and this console table that I have been dragging my feet on, but it is very near completion,  and I may just finish it today. 

Tomorrow I leave for that overnight trip  to Huntington, so probably won't be blogging for the next 2 days. Y'all behave yourselves while I'm gone!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. When you say "Dressing a rabbit" you mean dressing them up in like a sweater or something right? I could not imagine anything else! That meal sounds yummy though, it has been years since I have had rabbit.

    1. Well, a little like that, Jim. Only the oitfit was garlic and wine!

  2. I haven’t eaten rabbit since I was a boy, and I am quite sure that I will never do so again! We are drifting more and more towards vegetarianism.

    1. I can understand becoming vegetarian, David. I was vegetarian for 7 years, back in the 70s when I realized what chemicals were being used in meat. Once we were able to grow our own, we began eating it again. My husband at the time and my sons were very happy! I still am not a big meat eater, and 75% of the meat we eat is venison and chicken. The rabbit will replace store-bought chicken, or at least most of it.

  3. I didn't know that you need a smoking stand to smoke...LOL it looks beautiful though. The rabbit with wine garlic sauce looks so good, Sue.

    1. Lol! This was more for men originally. It would have had a pipe stand and a lighter or match holder originally, and an ashtray with a cork piece for knocking ash out of the pipe. Those pieces were missing, so we filled the holes, and I found a pretty crystal ashtray, which inspired me to make this more feminine. The little cabinet was used to store tobacco, cigarettes and other smoking supplies, btw.

  4. I don't think I could do that rabbit thing. I have to think that my meat comes in packages and was never anything else.

  5. Too funny, AC! But I do understand. I want no part of the first part of processing meat! But this is part of our lifestyle. Certainly not for everyone though.

  6. Your painted furniture is lovely! Like AC, I think I might have trouble with the rabbits, too. Too much anthropomorphizing. Thank you to Beatrix Potter for that! But I find that fascinating, too. I know this post is a few days old but I smiled at 22 degrees, for which I think many of us in Michigan would kill for right now! I hope your trip is a good one, and thank you so much for stepping over from AC's to visit me at Marmelade Gypsy.

  7. I hope it's not too cold for your trip.

  8. Cheers to Larry! If I had someone here who would do the dressing out, I would eat a lot more meat, homegrown and/or hunted. I tried - really hard! - but had to admit my own limitations in that regard.


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