
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Still in the Garden

66°f this morning, clear. At the time of writing, it is 84.

It has been hot, again, but garden work must get done. We try to be out early,  and then go back out in the evening. Making progress, slowly. 

The flowerbeds need weeding. I have promised them I will get to it soon! They are patient, and there are new blooms every day.

It's iris time! I planted a dozen different ones in 2022, so this is their first year to bloom.

First rose of the year.

The first of the prolific pink poppies. 

The columbine is nearly finished. So sad to see it go.

Dame's Rocket, considered an invasive plant, but I love it. I have left the red clover here in the herb garden, planning to pick the blossoms for tea.

New peonies, planted in the fall of 2022 

Spiderwort, also called radiation plant because supposedly the flowers turn pink if radiation is present.

This is weigelia, a bush I have had for at last 40 years. It almost died out, but deep pruning brought it back. Whew.

The only azalea I have been able to keep alive here. It is in a very protected corner.

This morning we planted squash and heirloom rattlesnake beans, then mulched the brassicas I planted last month. 

It's a start on the mulch, and I don't know how much of the garden we will get done this year, but I would like to do the whole thing. We shall see. Finding mulch material is not easy. We put down cardboard first, then spoiled hay if we can find it, otherwise it's straw.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous. The Iris' were a bit of a surprise. We are not there yet. It amazes me how far ahead of us your seasons are! But you have made a beautiful space for yourselves.

    1. Thank you, Debby. It seems like the iris are early this year.

    2. I thought of you today. Walking, I saw irises for the first time this year. I wouldn't have noticed, had I been driving.

  2. Irises are gorgeous flowers, but when I had them, I wasn't overly enthused about the plant itself. I do hope to see some nice ones around though.

    1. I don't like the long period of waiting to cut back the leaves, and I have this long period of no color on the iris areas. A friend suggested moving them to the back of my gardens, and I started that last year, but I swear the ones in the middle just spread even more! So lots of digging ahead, I guess.

  3. Your garden looks great, Sue. We had two really hot days up to 24C...and yesterday suddenly down to 10C and pouring...

    1. 24c would feel so cool here right now! Thank goodness the nights cool down, or this would be really miserable. I have a feeling this summer will not be fun.

  4. What a lot of garden you maintain! I love the irises in all their colors (and scents). We have a few wild ones here, some white ones that grow in the roadside ditch, and a few tiny purple ones. At our last mountain cabin, there were dwarf blue iris by the thousands in the woods...

    1. Chip off my mother's block when it comes to gardens, I'm afraid! It has been a lifelong love, although when I was working full time I lost many of my gardens, just couldn't keep them up.
      We have the dwarf blue crested iris in places along our road, and somevtall yellow ones people calle yellow flags that grow in marshy places. Iris love it here apparently because they are like daffodils, growing pretty much anywhere. Easy to tell where an old home has been!

  5. If I was a jealous person I would be jealous! You have summer, jippeeeee- 60F here, brrrr.
    I started planting, too, and will continue today.
    I admit: Glad we have but a balcony - you do a lot of work!!!!

    1. Yes, it is wirk, but it's work I enjoy...mostly. Weeding, not so much!

  6. Don't you just love this time of year when the first blooms or sprouts come up?!? Then the work begins are you maintain your garden throughout the year.

    1. Oh yeah. July and August are challenging!


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