
Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Onward We Go

46°f this morning, about 8 °C. Clear, low humidity,  perfect autumn weather.

I am still kicking here, albeit not very high. But progressing, yes. I get around very well with my walker, and can get up and down stairs easily if slowly. It is very straight too. The biggest issue I see at the moment is bending the knee back-- it really doesn't want to do more than a 90°angle, and needs to be much better than that. 

Therapy starts tomorrow at 7:30 am (yuck) and I imagine that will the area they concentrate on most. It is still swelled of course but not bad. I took my first shower Sunday and changed the dressing and I thought the wound looked surprisingly good. This morning, I helped prepare breakfast, washed dishes, and did some tidying up. Otherwise,  I do a lot of sleeping and resting, very odd for me but nice. Tapering off the pain meds too. A couple more views from my "nest", as I call my temporary bed on the couch:

Last night's fire helped curb the chill in the log room, where I sleep.

As for Larry: he was an angry, bitter man for a couple days, feeling very much the victim and hard done by. Finally, yesterday morning we had a good heart to heart. He was still angry and refusing to admit the problem for a while, repeating that tired old phrase, "I'm not hurting anyone but myself. " I asked him if that was so, why was I crying and feeling as if my heart would break? Why was Sarah so upset? He left the room for a while, then came back, sat down beside me and held me while I cried. He then admitted he had a problem and he would quit. AND he would call the VA to schedule a therapy appointment.  He has yet to make that call, but he will soon.
I know it won't be as simple as that. I know there will be backsliding and more heartache ahead. But I feel hopeful for the first time in years. We will see how we go.

I want to thank you all for your listening and supportive messages. They mean a lot to me, especially now as I try to fight battles on 2 fronts. 

I am writing all this for a reason. Normally with such personal things i would be much more reticent to share, but I think I am not alone with the alcohol issue. If what I say here can help or encourage someone else, then excellent. And it helps me to have friends who listen and understand. 

So, what else? Sarah's cabin is moving along again. Yesterday son Aaron came down to continue work on the solar panels. The spray insulation team arrived so that job is now done. Aaron stayed overnight at Derek's,  helping get prepared for the arrival of a very special guest. More about that later. Now Aaron is back here working on the cabin.  It has been very busy here, with people in and out, and 2 extra dogs on the place. Never a dull moment!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Larry's problem didn't start overnight and it won't miraculously go away overnight, but it sounds like you both have made an important first step. From others I've seen with knee replacements, you are doing remarkably well. It's another example of your "can do" attitude. Good luck with PT.

  2. AA for Larry, Al-anon for you. You won’t regret it.

  3. Sending you lots of hugs and love! You and Larry have been in my prayers.

  4. One step at a time. (pun NOT intended!)

  5. Thinking of you both….Kathy near Chicago

  6. I hope therapy goes well; you seem to be doing fantastic so soon after your surgery. Hopefully things will continue to get better as days go by.

  7. Yay for these news. All of them. Alcohol can be a big problem. I am fighting with another mess. Ingo buys and buys and buys. He starts projects and... leaves. The small condo is full to the brim. Tools all over the place. Many things even are for "me"... Things I don´t want even. Project after project started and left. I live in a dump, kinda. I hope he soon realizes, too. Since 2011 he promises to clean up/throw out...
    If we lived closer I´d go like the Golden Girls saying "thank you for being a friend" and we had a pizza together...

  8. Wishing you both well. Life can be tough sometimes.

  9. Physically, you seem to be doing as well as can be expected. I've been lucky and have never come close to dealing with anyone with addiction problems, thank goodness. It must be so hard for both of you.

  10. They expect you to reach a 90 degree flex in less than a week after surgery? Eek!

    I hope Larry makes that call. I hope you contact AA. A chance to write a new story. Fingers crossed.

  11. You have such a great attitude towards your recovery--I think you are doing amazingly well. Praying for a quick recovery for you and for Larry to get the help he needs. Sarah is an angel!

  12. Wonderful that you are doing better now, Sue. Hope therapy goes well and helps you recover and get back to old self sooner. Love that fireplace.

  13. So glad you're sharing about the two recoveries...your knee will go back to being normal, and recovery from alcoholism is a life-long road, where supportive family and friends (especially AA) make a difference. I do hope you both are able to address these issues which keep you from living at your best. Won't it be nice when you can bend that new knee and walk again without pain? I am waiting for you to let us know when that happens.

  14. I am so glad to hear that your physical recovery is going ok. It sounds like you have a long road ahead of you with Larry. I hope it is not too bumpy and he manages to get the help he needs, I don't suppose he will find it easy. I hope you can get some support too.

  15. Oh Sue, I'm glad that you're recovering, and sorry that you are going through some heartache.
    I lost my brother to alcohol. He was my favorite sibling (and there were plenty of good ones to choose from!) and miss him every day. After I read your recent posts, I dreamt that he was trying to help me with something but wasn't able to, and was crushed because of it. Perhaps there is a common theme here.
    Larry's a good guy and hopefully you both can come out on the other side of this in good health and happiness.

  16. Thank you for being willing to share some of the harder struggles, both relationship-wise, and health-wise, with all of us. Can't be easy. And I am so glad you are having some good warm fires. The first ones of the season feel so good to me.


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