
Saturday, November 23, 2024

Snowy Days

41°f this morning, wet, drippy morning after all-night showers.

We are finally getting precipation! Thursday was a snowy, blowy day, but no real accumulation.  Then Friday morning we woke up to this:

Our first, if short-lived, measurable snowfall. It was so pretty, but was gone by afternoon. According to folklore, the date of your first measurable snow is how many snowfalls you will have in that winter. So, 22? Seems doubtful these days in our area. That used to be possible, but we rarely get much snow now. However, the forecast for the next two weeks is for very cold weather, so who knows? Maybe there will be more snow! 

Since I retired, I look forward to snow. When I was driving 100+ miles a day to go to work, it wasn't quite as enjoyable.  The odd thing was that because I lived so far away, administration expected me to come in no matter the weather,  because after all, I chose to live where I live. But often I would be at work while those who lived 2 blocks away called in. 

The last few years of my job I was responsible, among many other things, for snow removal at all nine library locations in the county. If snowfall was 2 inches or less, the staff at each location were expected to clear walks and spread icemelt on the their parking areas. Oh my, the complaining! Our maintenance team took care of the main library, and for heavier snow we had a contract service---that often put us later in the day to clear than some of their bigger contracts. 

It was always a juggling act to figure out how to get the snow moved and the libraries access safe. I do not mind not having that responsibility any more. Now I can enjoy the snow, and cancel anything that calls for going out. Lovely.

The above 2 photos were taken from the van window, as we actually were out both Thursday and Friday. Thursday we went to Marietta, Ohio to pick up 2 new-to-us recliners. Ours are worn out, and these new ones are only 3 months old--the lady who had them found they took up too much room in her very tiny living room, and opted for a loveseat that had built-in recliners.

Marietta is such a pretty town, and I always look forward to going there. It is the oldest town west of the Ohio River and the oldest town in Ohio, with many historic buildings and several very good museums.  We used to have booths at the antique mall there until gas got too expensive,  and for 6 years I was a storyteller for the annual Inland Waterways Festival. Now our visits are usually for pleasure or to pick up things for our booths.

Some of the above are from the charming small town of Harmar, located just across the Muskingum River from Marietta. Harmar is undergoing a revival, which makes me happy.

Homeward bound,  the beautiful Ohio River always draws my attention.

Friday was therapy and grocery shopping day. Yuck. I had my evaluation and the therapist thought I was doing well and on track, but I still have that pinch in the side of my knee that prevents it from bending as much as it needs to. So Monday I will call the surgeon, again. This needs to be resolved.

Have a great weekend, friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We got some snow two days ago, but it's all gone now and the temperature tomorrow will rise to 12C...unbelievable.

  2. Our library workers are in a union (not my choice), so it is not in our job description to do snow removal. However, the managers can if needed. The county contracts out people to clear the parking lots, and they are are extra careful about clearing things to avoid an accident and/or a lawsuit.
    Marietta is a charming town and has so much early European history of our country. Have you been to the old cemetery in town that has many Revolutionary War heroes buried there?

  3. Beautiful small town photos. (I'm partial to them, living in one myself!) New recliners sound like fun!

  4. It snowed here on Thursday, which is unusual for us. It sounds like your recliners are a score!

  5. ...we have a restored Chessie System caboose # 904136 in nearby Churchville, NY!

  6. Marietta sure looks like a lovely town. Not much in the way of decorating for Christmas yet though. Maybe they're waiting for December.
    Being retired does take the pressure out of our days, doesn't it!! We're free to do more or less as we please.
    I hope you can get that pinch in the side of your knee dealt with . GM

  7. We've had snow and rain, and then what looked like a very wet snow. We are due a warm up this week, but by next weekend, we are going to see some very serious cold weather. We have been lucky so far, I guess.

    Was that train moving? I have not see an actual caboose for many many years.

  8. Oh, you, too? We usually have snow only come February, but had some wee bit the other day, too. Crazy.
    Yes, so with you! When I had to drive to work and park in those icy "boxes" - ack!!!
    I won´t say I enjoy snow as I dislike the cold and dark anyways...
    That looks like a nice town indeed.Hope your knee heals fully soon!

  9. Snow for retirees is pretty welcome for the most part although I have had to cancel a few out-of-town appointments over the years. It hasn't snowed here yet this year.

  10. We are getting snow today so if this storm holds together, it should be out your way in a couple days. Marietta looks like a nice little town, those are the kind of places I like to visit.

  11. we had a spot of snow but nothing like you -- and ours didn't stick either. Your trip to Marietta sounds like a fun day out. I'm thinking maybe the Homer Laughlin china factory is there or nearby and I've always wanted to go. Good job on your therapy!

  12. Since I'm not reading this until Monday morning I can only comment that I hope your weekend was relaxing, though I'm not sure you know how to relax!!! 😄

  13. Thank you for the tour of that lovely town. Very enjoyable. We have no snow yet, and that is really unusual for us. We often get snow that stays on the first week in November. So far this year, nothing.
    The pinch in the knee? Mine still does it very occasionally, usually just after I lie down flat on my back. But it is not bad enough to limit motion. I so hope your experience is as good or, even better.

  14. YOu beat us with your first snowfall. None up north here yet. We visited Marietta once and enjoyed the Indian mounds there. We stayed in an old hotel on the WV side and toured the glass factory there.


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