
Friday, December 6, 2024


16°f this morning, about -9°C. Felt like 10° according to the weather app, and I believe it. Just biting cold.

The guys waiting until afternoon to start cutting up the big tree that fell on my van. And would you believe that once the tree was off it, the van started right up and drove away? It always was so dependable. 

Larry just moved it a little way up the driveway so Derek could get his truck in there to load up some of the wood. 

It will go to his friend Davy who has a shop he heats with wood. Davy has done several favors for us in the past, so it is nice to be able to pay back a bit.

Grandson Jared came with his dad to help, and said it was the most physical work he has done in a long time. He manned the splitting maul while Derek and Larry used the chainsaws. Little Boy was a big help, I am sure. Always right there underfoot!

Larry was bundled up! Not too much left to cut up, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the tree. It will take another day or so to finish up, but it sure looks better already. 

I could have helped pick up the cut pieces, but was kind of relieved when they said they didn't need me. That rough ground would have been a challenge! And anyway, someone needed to cook. I made turkey noodle soup, cornbread and apple pie, a hearty meal for cold, tired workers. They made serious inroads on all of it, especially the pie.

I learned one thing: post a photo of your smashed van and you will hear from friends far and near. It has been nice to catch up with them all, although I hope we don't smash another vehicle any time soon. Once was enough in this lifetime.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Had work heats a guy up. He was swinging the axe in his tee.


  2. so glad to hear it moved without a tow. Whew. I hear you about the food for the wood crew. Many lunches for JG' cutting parties. I was big on soup. Easy to expand if there are more stackers and onlookers than planned for.
    And I am glad you are not at the wood toting stage yet. Too soon. You WILL get there.

    1. Mary, I have sure appreciated your comments on knee recovery. You made me feel less pressured about trying to reach those magic numbers.
      They got about half the cleanup done, and will be back at it today or maybe tomorrow. Derek is a golfer, and today is going to be in the 50s so...

  3. -9°C!!! That's freezing :-(( The pie looks mouthwatering.

    1. Yes, very cold! With a dampness to it tbst makes it feel colder.
      The pie was right tasty. :)

  4. Maybe Larry should keep the van and turn it into a flat bed truck.

  5. ...given the circumstances, that's expensive firewood!

  6. -9C!! Brrr....Nice you get so much help, too!

    1. Yes, brrr! But, winter.
      The help was awesome. They will be back to help finish up.

  7. Great to see how the tree that crushed your van changed into more useful firewood. Yes, you sure don't need to crush another vehicle to catch up with those friends!

    1. I am worried now about the big trees behind our house. I love them and their shade, but I sure don't want one coming down on the house.

  8. Just a word of caution from an experience I had earlier this year. I had a new van that someone crashed hard into on the side. I drove it a short distance to our driveway to get it out of the road, and it worked fine. The van sat in the driveway for a while while we were waiting on insurance, but when the tow truck came to pick it up, the front axle had broken and it couldn't be driven at all. Not sure how or when that happened. But I wouldn't drive your van very far until you're sure what's going on underneath. Good luck.

  9. So if the car can move is it considered totaled? What will happen now?

    1. It is not fixable. The entire body would have to be replaced, and who knows what is damaged underneath.

  10. A wood stove warms you twice. Once when you're chopping the wood for it, and again in the winter when you're burning it.

    1. Yes! We have a fireplace now, since we no longer heat with wood.

  11. I missed the post where you mention the tree falling on your van and demolishing the back end.
    Nice that you had help dealing with the tree. GM

  12. Yes, younger bodies are much appreciated!

  13. At least the wood was shared and found a good home. It will keep you nice and toasty.


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