
Friday, January 10, 2025

Quiet Friday

5°f this morning, -15°C. Clouds were breaking up in a rosy sunrise when I got up, but the overcast returned by midmorning.

Coffee by the fire while Larry was in town. I felt spoiled. 

Weather continues to dominate our lives, but in a manageable way. I made biscuits for breakfasts,, and then Larry went to town after cat food, chicken feed, and oranges (for me). I stayed home and piddled around with this and that---dusting, rearranging books and listing a few on ebay, packing up an eBay sale, sweeping floors, all the little things that keep a home ticking along. 

When he got home, Larry was in and out so much I swear the house temperature dropped 5 degrees! Honestly, we do go in and out a lot every day. The doors are constantly opening, so there is no concern about ventilation around here. The pets need in or out, I need things from the cellar or the freezer, Larry brings in wood for the fireplace or needs a tool that I have in my toolbag...on and on it goes. I counted this morning and the front door was open 12 times before 9 am---with the temperatureat 5°! Fresh air, much? 

It is snowing again as I write, about a half inch already and expected to continue all night. But what's a few more inches? We are warm, sheltered, and well supplied. When I see what is happening in North Carolina, Los Angeles, and Gaza, I wish I could share this bounty somehow with all of them. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. -15°C!!! What? That's freezing cold and definitely a day of stay in and fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate!

  2. Your fireplace is so charming ..I too wish I could share the good in life with others -Mary

  3. ...we all have plenty to be thankful for.

  4. That is a lot of to-ing and fro-ing. Enjoy the warmth -- if you can keep the door closed for awhile.

  5. Watching the news certainly helps me not take for granted the warm, safe house I have. I am very thankful for all of them.

  6. That is a lovely jadeite mug.

    It seems to have stopped snowing here for the time being, but we got an additional 4 inches overnight. I don't mind it, really, and I am glad to be retired. I keep telling myself that the cold will greatly reduce the tick population next spring.

  7. So cozy you look! I love sitting by a fireplace drinking a favorite beverage. I would have trouble ever getting up to do a single thing! Our snow ended up being sleet so there's only about an inch covering everything...with resultant iciness. I'll stay here at my desk, and listen to classical music streaming, and sometimes turn to see the mountain across the valley and the wind blowing snow around - I don't think any more is coming down but it's hard to tell. Mmm, biscuits might replace my croissant this morning. Nah. Tomorrow is biscuit breakfast with apple butter!

  8. -15C?!!!!
    Great post, I agree, despite it is so darn cold you are doing very well. One gets humble to see what others go through.
    Thank you for the well needed reminder!

  9. It's a lovely day here - crystal cold air, blue sky, sun and no wind. I count my blessings.

  10. You are right. We are so lucky and so few of us acknowledge it. I have a warm house, access to medical care for my shoulder at minimal cost, good fresh food that we can easily afford, safe and happy daughters and grandkids.
    And a safe and happy country that we aim to keep, thank you Mr Trump but no thanks.

  11. I had the same thought as the snow was coming down here yesterday. Who is to grumble about some inconvenient snow when we have a warm home, food, all our family photos and treasures at hand. Not I.

  12. I'm in and out a lot, too, but since I put the "freeze-proof" faucet outside my back door a few years ago, at least I'm not carrying ice-filled water buckets into the house from the paddocks and then carrying dripping replacement buckets back out several times per day! Gosh I love that faucet.

  13. It's wonderful to realize just how blessed we are!!


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