
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Almost Wordless Wednesday

34°f, 1°C, cloudy, a damp cold that goes right to the bone. Rain predicted for this evening.

Buddy of the strange eyes, brown on top, blue on the bottom. My sweet, rascally boy.

Pretty corner

Pretty, old plate

Valentine's Day decor

Yesterday's hot sauce


Yesterday's dinner--chicken pot pie and salad

Yesterday's muffins

More hearts

Stay warm, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Still in the deep freeze here although just a little less deep, I suppose.

    1. Is this new storm headed your way? We got very hard rain last night.

  2. ...yesterday's dinner sure looks good.

  3. Snow coming here tomorrow. One of our bigger storms of 2025 I think. Did you see my request about blueplates you featured in one of your booths?

    1. I hope you don't get too much snow, Marcia. That makes life difficult for sure.
      I did see your question and meant to get back to you. We will be there today. I will try to take photos because I am not quite sure which ones you want. Please email me so we can discuss? susanna holstein AT yahoo dot com.

  4. A nice photo story. Love the look on the dog's quizzical face.

  5. Have a scrapbook of my Mons valentine's from when she was younger in grammar school. Many are VERY rascist!

    1. Oh, I know! I have seen some of those. Shocking to see.

  6. Replies
    1. Sometimes. He is very expressive with his eyes. When he gets wild, they are really something! Other times they are so loving, or questioning. Other times they look urgent, when he's trying to communicate something that I'm not getting.

  7. Cute boy. Well, that is some assortments that make a day better! Sitting with a hot mug of Rexi and two zippos to warm me up.

    1. I hate that you are cold so often, Iris. Wish I could send you some of our heat!

  8. Buddy'looks enough to warm the coldest day!

    1. He is the most loving dog i have ever had. Loves to cuddle. And run away :/

  9. I've never seen eyes like Buddy's.

    1. Apparently less than 10% of dogs have eye coloring like his. Several people have commented that he has Husky in him. Which might explain his urge to run.

  10. I’ll be stopping by in the morning for coffee and muffins, and later in the day for chicken pot pie! Thank you!

  11. Snowing again here but not windy! The cats and I are quite cozy. Even in the snow my birdfeeders are doing a land office business - can't even count the customers :)

  12. Buddy has such a lovely look on his face. Nice post, short and sweet. Stay warm. We had a blue sky and some sun today, that happens very seldom around here.

  13. Buddy is looking exceptionally sweet! And you remind me, it's time to make pot pie!

  14. Buddy is a cutie! But I can see a trouble maker in his eyes as well!

  15. I love the sentiments on that plate. "Fleeting days". I've been noticing that in the past couple years. Fugit is tempusing like crazy.

  16. Buddy looks like a good buddy! I miss having a dog.... had a few canine companions over the years, but none now. I have to admire other people's dogs!


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