
Saturday, February 1, 2025


30°f, about -!°C, overcast, clearing later, high of 41°f. Snow and ice almost gone, lots of flooding in the state but none locally.

7:30am: rise and shine! Tea and a scone with granddaughter S who has been visiting us the past few days

9:00am: leave the house after taking care of critters. 

9:20am: arrive at Tudor's Biscuit World (if you know, you know!) for breakfast with granddaughter S and son Derek.

10:00am: meet up with granddaughter J to drop off granddaughter S. Meet new grandson-in-law, get awesome hugs from great-grands. They all leave for trip across the state to meet up with their sisters and stepmother/birthmother (it's complicated).

10:30am: quick stop at favorite thrift, where almost everything is a quarter. Really.

11:00am: arrive in Ravenswood to work on our booths. Still trying to catch up after this month's snowy days.

1:00pm: arrive at our favorite lunch place, WV Artisan Market. Have lunch with our friend Bill.

2:00pm: begin unloading at our second booth location at Farmhouse Market Finds in Ripley. 

3:30pm: finish up the booth work and head for home. Make plans to visit son Aaron and family, and granddaughter H tomorrow.

4:00pm: arrive home, unload empty totes, take care of dogs and cat. Chase Buddy the dog who breaks through the new, more powerful electronic fence (SMH!). Do a little yard cleanup (Larry), and housework (me).

5:00pm: take down winter decor and pack away, dust, put out Valentines Day decor (me). Take care of chickens and bring in wood for the fireplace (Larry).

6:00pm: wine time, fire time, doggie petting time  and movie time! Tonight's viewing--Lady from Shanghai, starring Rita Hayworth and Orson Welles.

8:00pm: Larry heads to bed, I read, check Facebook, write this blog.

10:00pm: bedtime!

PS: for those who have asked, my knee is slowly improving, still often painful and doesn't have the range of motion I had before surgery. Often keeps me awake at night but Tylenol PM and gabapentin help immensely. Pretty sure I have a problem with a ligament on the outside of my calf that is causing these issues, and not the knee replacement itself. I will see my PCP this Friday so will be asking about that. Thank you so much for asking and caring. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Another busy day. Sorry to hear that your knee is still causing problems. Hope you get some insights from your doctor's appointment. Yes, Tudors!!

    1. I think all West Virginians are Tudor's fans!

  2. ...I've become convinced that aches and pains are a part of the Golden Years.

  3. Wow. Could be a day of a soldiers so tacted!

  4. Somewhere in the itinerary you found time to write and post a blog, I guess between 8 & 10. How neglectful of you not to mention the most important activity of the day. 😎

    -19C here this morning, a little below your 0.

  5. I was thinking about you and your knee. I've been given my date. May 14th. The practice that I use has had a retirement, and the doctor that I'm seeing is having surgery in February. (A knee replacement!) He is taking a month off and will be back to work in April. To be honest, your initial difficulties scared me a bit. I'm going to be interested to see what your PCP says. How long did you do physical therapy though?

    1. I did therapy from October 8th through December 4th. It honestly did not seem to help after the first month, as I made no more significant progress. I have not heard of anyone else having this same issue with pain and pinching on the lateral side of their knee so it can't be a common thing. Your doctor will be invaluable after he goes through the same surgery! Would thst it was a requirement for the docs and therapists who work with knee replacement patients!

  6. Just a big WOW...what a busy Saturday you had. Hope the knee improves with more knowledge/treatment. I'm in awe of all you accomplished.

  7. Whew, you packed alot in one day. Hope they find out what the problem is with the knee/ligament and things improve for you. Breakfast with grands though sounds like the best part of the day...and then wine and fire

    1. It was all good, really...except chasing after bad Buddy!

  8. That was a busy, yet productive day. Win/win!

  9. Wow, I wouldn't make it past noon on your itinerary - you've certainly got a lot of "get up and go"! I'm so sorry your knee is still giving you trouble. I hope you'll get some good advice from your doctor.

  10. SWMBO says how can someone have breakfast out and then lunch out the same day! I like the 6 pm note and may have to seek out that movie.

    1. Easy! Just work hard in between! We were treated to breakfast by our granddaughter, then lunch was a bowl of soup for Larry and a small salad for me, plus coffee. We try to stop in our friend's place when we can, and the food is do reasonable. Total cost less than $10. Plus, if we came home for lunch, it would take 20 minutes each way, plus time to prepare the food, so we often would not have time to do both locations in one day. It is nice to take that break and rest a little before getting back to work.

    2. Oh, and you will note, no dinner! We usually just have 2 meals a day, and occasionally crackers and cheese or veggies in the evening.

  11. I am tired out reading about your day. But grandkids are sunshine. Re knee. I have had both done and husband has had one. We both found that it takes six months before comfort and flexibility are both front and centre. I would keep doing some flex exercises to avert stiffness. The nerve thing I had once, and husband not. My surgeon said it was unavoidable. It is now completely gone. I do hope your experience will parallel this; I am so happy to have working knees and no pain. It was worth the struggle.

    1. I really hope this will be the case for me, Mary. I continue to do the exercises because it gets very stiff if I don't.


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