
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Need a Day Off from My Day Off

Everyone needs a day off, right? Today I took one, and here's how it went:

8:00am: got out of bed; slept in for 2 extra hours! Make the bed, hang up clothes, grab a shower.

9:00am: on the porch drinking tea after starting the washer and dryer, sweeping floors and emptying the dishwasher. Time to read the poetry group's newsletter.

10:00am: sweeping the porch. The guys arrive to install our enclosed carport. I go off to plant potatoes and corn.

11:00am: watering the stuff we planted on Sunday. The carport is almost done.

12:00: still working in gardens; the carport is done and the workers are gone. Time to get in the shower--again, because I'm sweaty and dirty. Pick out storytelling clothes.

12:30: off for a storytelling gig at a local school. Load sound system etc.

1:00pm: arrive at the school, unload the car, get set up and figure out the lay of the land.

1:30: kids come and and I start telling stories. What a great time we had! This group was all ages, from preschool to 5th grade, plus teachers and bus drivers. What they all have in common--the need to listen, to remember, to imagine. That's why storytelling is so important. It reminds people of who they are and where they came from.

2:30: stories over, back to town to buy more plants, soil, groceries.

4:30: on the road home. Husband Larry is in front of me on Joe's Run. I wait while he talks to neighbors on our one-lane dirt road.

5:00: back at the house, change clothes, out in the garden to plant a new bed of evergreens where the old oak tree used to be before the ice storm of 2003.

6:00: still planting. Larry is laying the stone wall for a new flower bed by the porch.

7:00: finished planting, now watering. Larry is still laying stone.

8:00: still watering. Larry is cleaning up his tools. The wall is done (my Mother's Day present!)

8:30: on the porch with a glass of Chardonnay, talking to Larry and listening to whipporrwills. We have more of them than I can ever remember this year.

9;00: Larry is in bed, and I'm online, catching up on email and my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't sound like a very restful day off, but it does sound like a fulfilling day!

    May I post your "What I need" on my blog? Giving you great accolades and credit for it, of course!


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