
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rocks from Heaven

Those who know me know that I am all about common sense.

So how do I explain a rock from heaven? I am at a loss on this one.

Here's what happened: I was driving home from work this evening. It had been a very windy, rainy day, and I was happy about that because it has been dry for a month. So dry that even planting the garden raised a dust that coated my clothes and made me wonder why I was bothering to drop seed into such dry earth.

But today it rained long and steady. As I drove up our holler, the wind picked up again. And from out of the sky came a reddish-colored rock that banged against my windshield so hard I thought it was broken. It wasn't a big rock, about half the size of my fist.

I stopped the car to check the windshield and try to find the rock. I did not find it--it glanced off my windshield and flew off to the roadside somewhere. I stood there a few seconds, making sure I was awake and had not dreamed a rock from heaven had smashed into my car.

If anyone has an explanation, I would be happy to hear it. I have none.


  1. Ok Granny is my explanation. Several years ago when both my boys were deployed to Iraq, I had received an encouraging word from someone I respect deeply. She had said that I sang like an angel and that everytime my voice was raised up to the heavens, it beckoned my son's angels to guard and protect them. The next morning as I was driving down the road, singing in my car like I usually do, a HUGE white feather drifted down from the sky, landed briefly on my windshield, then blew away. (I kid you not!) I cried. So, my interpretation of the rock hitting your windshield is this...
    You are a strong rock in your family. You are a pillar of strength, faith and courage. So stay strong, be solid as a rock for Derek's kids. You will be a strong tower for them to run to when they feel scared or lonely.

  2. I like your explanation, Tracy! It beats thinking I'm crazy ;-)

    I try to be the rock and to maintain calm.It's not always easy, and I'm not always successful. But my sons know I'm here when needed, always the security net under them. They seldom need it, of course, and as we all get older, I think the role might be changing--they're my security net too!


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