
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sunrise, Moonset, Morning Drive

I was almost late for work. There were too many beautiful things to see on the way out to the highway this morning.

Like the full moon setting...

And the mist rising...

and shy deer grazing...
and the sun rising...
And the morning highway
bathed in light.
So much traffic!


  1. Wish my commute was as easy going on the eyes as yours! Although I did gaze upon 2 young deer (looked like a brother and sister)who ventured up from the woods into our back yard to steal some apples off the tree. It was just before sunrise. So serene and content they were until my dog Sam spotted them. Then the chase was on!

  2. If I'm traveling your way and pass a car whose driver has a camera in front of her face -- I'll know who it is!! Those a great pictures, I'm sure the real thing was even better. There are few better ways to start the day.


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