
Friday, August 31, 2007

What do lightning and computers have in common?

--The ability to leave you dead without warning.

At least it's only my computer--and the saltellite modem for internet--that are dead, and no real people.

The bad storm yesterday caught us offguard, and the lightning apparently ran in on the satellite and nailed the modem, surge protector and the PC along its path. So sad--it took me weeks to get everything set up to my liking last spring, and now I get to do it all over again!

I spent two hours on the telephone--first with the satellite company support. Guess where they are located? India. It was a struggle to understand each other--her accent was difficult and her choice of words nothing like what I would use. Wall socket? What's that?

After an involved conversation, I tackled HP Support. Guess where? You guessed it, India. An even more magnificient struggle ensued. "I don't understand you," I must have said a hundred times. "Please repeat what you just said." Over and over and over. His reponse. "Right. I am speaking very clearly for you." Over and over and over. Bless his heart, Yesu never gave up or got irritated. Can't say I was as patient.

In the end, Hughesnet determined that the modem was fried (new one, my expense $200). HP decided the PC motherboard was fried (their expense, it's under warranty). I determined that I will try very hard before purchasing another PC to be sure they offer support in the US. I'm not against anyone having a job. But we have got to be able to understand each other, and last night was a lesson in frustration and lack of communication.

I have to admit they probably thought I wasn't speaking English either. They didn't understand hillbilly, that's for sure. I realized that I needed to slow down and use my "professional librarian" voice, erasing as much of my accent and colloquialisms as possible. That is not easy. I wonder if my compadres in this farce were trying as hard as I was to be understood.

Bottom line, I won't be posting much for a week or so, until all the new stuff arrives, I figure out how to install it, and get things up and running again. God help me, Vista was difficult enough the first time around, and now I get to do it all over again!


  1. Try calling tech support during "normal business hours" -- that was when I got Apple technicians who spoke "American."

  2. Good luck, Grany Sue. Will miss you til you are back in action.
    Enjoyed your recent beautiful photos.

  3. "They didn't understand hillbilly, that's for sure. I realized that I needed to slow down"


    If most of the hillbillies I know slowed down any more while talkin', somebody would be there checkin' their pulse.


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