
Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Long Day

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit! Those were the first words Larry and I said to each other this morning when we woke up at 7 am. Then we went back to sleep. Why did we say that? Click on the link and find out.

One meeting following another today. All good things--the first a meeting of the WV Poetry Society that is trying to re-kindle the membership and drive of the organization. The second meeting was the membership and publicity committees of Arts at the Alpine, a local arts organization also working to attract membership and attendance at arts events.

I made a quick stop at Rachel's Relics Antique store after the meetings and before the (ugh) grocery store. She had some new things in (a lovely pansy teacup and teapot that I had to walk away from) and even though it was past her closing time we had a nice chat. That's one of the joys of a small town--people take the time to talk, and sometimes the clock is irrelevant. (That's one of the morning regulars at the Downtowner restaurant walking by. This lady is at least 70+ years old, but she moves like a much younger person, and stays interested in everyone and everything around her.)

Rachel bought a copy of the new Mountain Girl Press book, Self-Rising Flowers, from me (it has one of my stories in it). I haven't sold a lot of copies, mostly because I haven't taken the time to market the book. I think the stories are even better than those in Zinnia Tales. Publisher Tammy Robinson Smith focuses on stories about strong Appalachian women. This year her call for stories is for Appalachian Christmas stories. You can read more about the criteria at
her website.

Since I'm talking about writing, I should also mention two other current writing contests:

WV Writers Inc is accepting submissions for the annual writing contest. Read submission guidelines at the WV Writers website.

The WV Poetry Society is also holding its annual contest. Submission guidelines and contest information at The WVPS also hosts a monthly poetry contest. Visit the webpage for more information.

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