
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why there was no post yesterday

We spent the day in Morgantown and Fairmont yesterday. Our youngest sone plans to attend WV University in the Fall, so we went up to start the admission process, look at the campus and find out about rentals. I was glad to have a few friends on the campus who could advise us about financial aid, housing, and the student fitness complex (Tommy is a huge fitness buff).

It was a cold, rainy blustery day, but what fun to see the students walking everywhere! Morgantown is very hilly (think San Francisco and except for scale you'd have a good idea) but the kids were walking everywhere and I didn't see many with a weight problem. This chubby ol' granny was huffing and puffing by the end of the day and flat out refused to walk up three floors to view and apartment (sciatica and asthma, along with extra pounds, do take their toll).

In the end, we completed the admission forms, found a really nice apartment complex, and at the urging of our friend in the financial aid office, managed to complete Tommy's FAFSA before the end of the day--March 1 being the magical cutoff date to get good funding.

(Tired Aaron rests on the couch after our busy day in Morgantown. His help as a graduate of WVU was a big, big help).

We also got to spend a little time with Aaron, Jaime, James and Michaela at their home in Fairmont. They're in the middle of a kitchen remodel, and Jaime seemed completely unruffled by wall cabinets on the floor and all the confusion a torn-apart kitchen can cause. Yoga must be good stuff.

James and Michaela wave goodbye as we depart into the night. Although the weather called for snow, we were lucky enough to encounter only rain on the 3-hour trip home.
We were glad to get home, too--something we ate in Morgantown apparently didn't agree with us and we visited a LOT of places on the way home, checking out the restroom facilities! Whatever it was passed on (pun intended) by this morning, thank goodness.
And that's why there was no post yesterday.

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