
Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Day Off

A glorious day off! No 100-mile round trip, no crises about toilet paper or elevators or lost books. No parking garage, voicemail, or paperwork. Just me, getting up at a late 7:30am to begin a busy day off.

First, up and out to get to the Ripley on Sale event in town, pick up the plastic fencing for the gardens, and visit the Master Gardeners' plant sale.

Traveling down the left fork of Joe's Run, I finally took the time to photograph this old log barn. The logs are too far gone to salvage, but in June roses often bloom around it.

Close-up of the notchwork. I wonder who did it, and how long it took to build the barn. Was it a barn-raising event, or just a family working together? This clearly was always a barn--there is no indication it was first a house, and then converted.

Near the barn is the remains of the homeplace. It has been used as a barn for as long as I've lived here, and it too is not likely to be standing for too many more years. I don't know anything about the history of this place and that surprises me because I know about almost every other farm on the road. The morning sun offers soft light, the oak offers shade, and together all three make beauty.

At the sale, three men try to determine what this metal contraption is. No one can figure it out-which is surprising because one of the men owns an antique shop and is pretty well up on all sorts of rustic tools. We thought perhaps it was some sort of hay tongs, but that didn't seem right either.

The weather was beautiful, clear and very cool. The turnout for the sale was excellent and there was all sorts of stuff to buy. I bought a homemade lemon pound cake and some brownies and such since we'll have company this weekend and I don't feel like baking. The courthouse lawn is always the site for the sale, and the grand old courthouse seems to enjoy all the visitors.

A few of my morning buys: two wood folding chairs with woven wood seats, stamped "Board of Education" on the back, and two primitive plant stands that used to belong to a friend's sister. Total cost, $20.

The rest of the day I spent in the garden--putting up that plastic fence, planting the stuff I bought this morning--hydrangea, hollyhocks, chamomile, opal basil, begonias, a rose bush; and the stuff I bought earlier this week--marigolds, peppers, replacement cabbage (darn rabbit) and broccoli, flowering tobacco (nicotiana). I have more to plant tomorrow, and beans to re-plant.

A long, full day. Who needs to go to work when there is always so much interesting stuff at home to do?

(well, there's always the paycheck to consider, I guess...)


  1. You did more on your day off than I did all week at work. Something just ain't right about that, is it? :D

  2. Gotta make it count! Days off are so rare, I am always dead tired at the end of them,but it's a very good tired.

  3. About the old house...I think Dad calls it the Corb house...the whole family died in the flu epidemic of 1918. They were some distant relations of mine.

  4. Amy, that's interesting. I've never heard that name. No wonder no one else moved in.

    One day, I'd like to write a history of Joe's Run. There is so much here--not big important stuff, but everyday people living their lives. To me, that's real history and worth telling.


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