
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Planting, Picking and Jamming

The morning started with a task to be completed: planting tomatoes. So Larry did that while I...

did this...ummm. Good strawberry preserves.

Aaron and Jaime and kids arrived, so while the guys went off to mow and begin the clean-up at Derek's, us womenfolks took off for Vandalia Gathering at the Capitol in Charleston.

Vendor tents lined the circle in the shady circle drive of the building

and musicians were everywhere, playing in jam sessions under the trees
or competing in fiddle, banjo, flatpick guitar, and other contests

while in the singing tent we sang the old songs with Kate Long, Becky Kimmons and others.

Irish step-dancers perform the sword dance in the great hall of the Cultural Center,

and outside our friend Wendy Perrone sat with her Golden Eagle Spirit

We took a little detour through the halls of the Capitol. The Governor wasn't in.

Looking up one of the spiral staircases on either side of the rotunda is a little dizzying.

The second floor, towards the 'well' in the center of the rotunda. Michaela loved the echo chamber and the sound of her feet on the marble floors.

The two floors, looking like a reflection.

As the shadows lengthened, we settled under the trees to listen to Odie and friends picking some fine bluegrass. Everywhere was music--Old-time, Celtic, square dance, singing and bluegrass. You could move from place to place to listen to one pick-up group after another, a musical smorgasbord.

Then it was time to head home to the guys, the fire pit and good memories of a very good day.


  1. Looks like you had a great time.

  2. Love your weekend trip. Can't beat bluegrass and fiddles and State Capitol bldgs. Hope you have a great week.

  3. What fun! The strawberry preserves look yummy :) My daughter used to Irish step dance...brings back good memories :)

  4. Ah, Granny, your posts are like a glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. I love checking in with you and your life.


  5. i'm bummed that i missed vandalia. there was a big ice cream social that i had to help organize at my son's school. maybe next year...

  6. I wish all my blog friends could have been there too. Wouldn't we have had some fun!

  7. That was a great weekend. I don't want to miss any more.


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