
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spring on Joe's Run: Part 2

Wild Iris still had dew clinging to blossom and leaf,

and Mayapple hid its bloom under an umbrella of leaves,

while Stonecrop (small white flowers) clung to the place that gave it its name,
and a songster filled the air with melody. (Is this a red-wing blackbird? He had red-orange on his belly, it looks like, as well as on his shoulders. If not the red-wing blackbird, can anyone tell me who this is?--click the picture to get a larger view; sorry for the quality. I snapped in a hurry before he flew away.)

Everywhere there is evidence of past and current residents high in the trees that shade the bright flowers below.


  1. Love that dew covered wild Iris.
    Thanks for the glimpses into your world of nature. Ellouise

  2. Isn't it lovely? The dw was actually a surprise--I didn't see it when I tookk the picture. That sort of thing seems to happen sometimes--I'll be so focused on one thing that something else in the frame is overlooked.

  3. i think it's a redwing blackbird. we've had many of them here this spring. but yeah... it's more orange than red.


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