
Monday, September 8, 2008

How to Repair a US Highway, Manchin Style

At least, this is how US Rte 33 between Ripley and Joe's Run Road is being repaired...patch on patch on patch.

My tax dollars at work. Thanks, Governor Manchin! Since you've been in office our roads have returned to the condition they were in 25 years ago.

'Open for Business' was your choice for the state motto. I'd say that any business that wants to open in my area needs to purchase some off-road vehicles, four-wheel-drives and maybe a few helicopters to avoid the roads entirely.

To attract business, you need to pay attention to the infrastructure of the whole state, not just the corridor between Morgantown and Clarksburg (your home territory, is it not?). I understand that area is thriving and needs improvements to handle the influx of industry and people. But the rest of the state absolutely will not thrive without more funds being spent to upkeep our roads, bridges, and buildings. Or do we not count?

We pay the same taxes as the people in Marion and Monongalia counties. We deserve better than what you seem willing to give us.


  1. Susanna,
    Amen! We're almost back to having the Rock-A-Fella roads we had when Jay Rockefeller was governor.

    I wonder if the Monster Party has a candidate running for WV Governor?

    If not, I guess I gotta vote for Russ Weeks (R-Raleigh), I don't agree with anything he says, but at least he ain't Joe Manchin.

    Maybe Big Hoot or Sheepsquatch needs to be approached about running for Governor?

  2. You oughtta see the flood control project in Mr Manchin's backyard. Yup here in Farmington. The state is paying for a cleanup project along Buffalo Creek that is supposed to reduce flooding in the region. It does not free the channel, nor does it increase water flow. It does provide beautiful waterfront access to all properties along the Buffalo creek. Property owned by Manchin's family. Hmmm...


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