
Monday, September 8, 2008

News That's Newsworthy


Not to make fun, but to laugh with the author of this webpage:

"Last night just after midnight, Buckshot Butcher reported over the scanner that the pop machine in front of the senior center at Two Run was cracked open with bolt cutters and "be advised that the money and everything is gone." A few minutes later ( 1:03am), Town Cop Butcher reported thugs tried to open the pop machine at Dawson's Service Center but we're unsuccessful.

July 29 am In yesterday's posting, scanner traffic included shots fired. We have an update. What that caller heard was not a gun but rather, firecrackers.

July 29 am During last weekend's Ag Fair at Maysel Park, an 800 pound cow got loose and remains are large. Most feel, the animal is now in someone's freezer. "

Now this is the best of local news! Typos just make the reading more entertaining--or is it just me? I love it.

I jumped over to the more recent postings and believe me they are every bit as interesting. The Hur Herald in Calhoun County, and for Clay County have the kind of local news people want to know, spiced up with free-flowing commentary and opinion. Even if you're not from those counties, you'll be entertained and enlightened.

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