
Monday, September 8, 2008

The Letter

It's written.

Tomorrow is the day I will hand in my letter of resignation, to be effective on November 25, 2008. I am giving the library plenty of time to recruit and hire my replacement. My intent is not to leave a mess, but to complete as many of the numerous projects assigned to me as possible before I go. We'll see how well I succeed.

It's kind of scary but exciting too. Today I worked on lining up performances for a week in October and had a very successful day. I'm feeling positive about leaving a (gulp) good-paying, secure job that has turned into a daily dose of stress and anxiety attacks, and venturing into the unknown world of full-time storyteller and writer.

I do have a backup plan. I can renew my teaching certificate by taking two classes; so if the storytelling world proves too uncertain for me, I can find work as a substitute teacher. I will register for the classes for the Spring semester.

So here goes. With fingers and toes crossed, a four-leaf clover and a rabbit foot, carefully getting out of bed on the right side and saying 'rabbit, rabbit, rabbit' on the first of every month, perhaps the path will be smooth. (Me, believe in superstition? Nah! But it doesn't hurt to be careful about stuff like that...)

Wish me luck! I am excited, nervous and very happy. And not at all stressed. What a change.


  1. GOOD LUCK !
    I am so happy for you :)

  2. Sending hugs for a great day!!! and the start of something really wonderful. Ellouise

  3. It's always good to have a backup plan - but I'll bet you won't need it.

  4. Dear Granny Sue,

    Congratulations! May your days be filled with stories and paying gigs :-)


  5. Congratulations! It's so scary/exciting to make a leap like that. I know you can make it work, and why keep doing something you don't love any longer. . .
    As for superstitions, sometimes they provide a positive way to focus your energy. I just buried a St. Joseph statue at the the condo -- It's a South St. Louis thing that Elaine Viets reminded me of. I'm supposed to dig him back up and give him a place of honor at the new house after the condo sells. If nothing else, it will be a good story.
    Here's the important advice I heard from Carmen Deedy years ago, echoed today by my P.T., Mara, who is also self-employed. It takes much planning to take care of things like insurance and taxes and dry spells. You probably already knew that, though. You are such an organized person.
    Have fun and "live long and prosper."

  6. Congratulations! It's so scary/exciting to make a leap like that. I know you can make it work, and why keep doing something you don't love any longer. . .
    As for superstitions, sometimes they provide a positive way to focus your energy. I just buried a St. Joseph statue at the the condo -- It's a South St. Louis thing that Elaine Viets reminded me of. I'm supposed to dig him back up and give him a place of honor at the new house after the condo sells. If nothing else, it will be a good story.
    Here's the important advice I heard from Carmen Deedy years ago, echoed today by my P.T., Mara, who is also self-employed. It takes much planning to take care of things like insurance and taxes and dry spells. You probably already knew that, though. You are such an organized person.
    Have fun and "live long and prosper."

  7. Way to go Sue, you know you will be our prayers so there will be plenty of stories to tell, people to listen and money rolling in!
    Love you bunches,

  8. Good Luck Granny Sue!


  9. Good luck, Sue! You'll do fine, you won't need that back-up plan!
    (but it's always good to have an ace in the hole because we never know what may happen).
    Besides, you have a lot of blogging friends to help you out, get exposure.

  10. Woohoo! Congratulations! You'll be fine. I have a suspicion you always land on your feet, no matter what. Enjoy the adventure!

  11. CONGRATS! I did this once before, as I've mentioned. I've never been rich, but doing what I like to do, I have always been happier. This is wonderful.

    Better get to work on finding those gigs! =)

  12. Good Luck Sue. You have family to help out should you ever need it. We love you and are absolutely behind you!


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