
Monday, September 15, 2008

Take a beautiful old CCC building,

Add a good band and a wild girl fiddler,

mix in a lot of people

of all ages, and what do you get?

Happy feet!

At the FOOTMAD Fall Festival, there were plenty of happy feet. I didn't dance, but Mrs. Roberta (in the pink shirt above) sure did--at 88 she was going strong all evening. Wow. Me, I favored my bad knee and enjoyed watching, listening to the music, singing and talking with friends.

I stayed up until 4am (and Larry was an hour later than that!), but when you're having a good time, who watches the clock? Of course, it does come back to haunt you the next day. It was well worth it, though. What a fun time this was. I hope we can attend again next year. I might even try dancing!


  1. Yea for happy feet! And yea for that building too - the inside is incredible. I have a thing for these old multi-purpose halls and granges and such.

  2. Knot Water has been implicated in the unexplained loss of time. Typically this happens between midnight and 4AM. It is not uncommon for consumers of such to be heard to say, "Geez, is it daylight already?"

    This product is also known as Kerr and/or Ball Mason. It should be clearly labeled on the jar...


  3. Larry stayed up until 5 AM? Wow -! that's like 8 hours past his bed time! : )

    It must have been an awfully good time!


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