
Friday, October 10, 2008

Bees and Flowers

I could hear the buzzing as soon as I stepped outside. It didn't seem to phase Otis who continued to snooze in the morning sun.


They were hard at work, coming in from our hive a good distance away. With the drought we've been having this past month, there's not much left in bloom, and Larry is still feeding our bees almost every day. The bees were working my salvia plants (I have also heard this plant called pineapple sage, but I'm not sure this is the same plant--anyone know? I like the bright red with a touch of fuschia coloring, and it really comes into its own in the Fall).

Taking photos of honeybees is not easy to do! It took many photos to get some that weren't fuzzy. And then there were quite a few with pretty flowers but no bee because while I was focusing, they buzzed off.


  1. What wonderful pictures! I'm not much of a photographer but I try. It doesn't look like much of anything would disturb Otis during his morning nap. ha ha

  2. You're right, Kathy--although the day he visited the beehive and stuck his nose in the hive entrance showed what lightning speed he could muster if needed!

  3. Bees, yay!

    This salvia looks just like my pineapple sage. If the leaves smell a little pine-appley then you have your answer. :)

    p.s. my condolences to the family on Baxter.

  4. Gorgeous pictures!! Flowers always attract to bees.


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