
Friday, October 10, 2008

Things Upcoming

It's coming into a whirlwind of busyness (and business) for me.

First up: the Storytelling Guild will get together tonight to set up our booth at the West Virginia Book Festival. Friends, if you've never been to the Festival you're missing out on a fun, free good time. Lots of authors (featured this year is Richard Paul Evans, and Davit McAteer who wrote the book about Monongah), along with many, many others, and workshops, performances, etc.

Tomorrow morning I'll be at the Festival bright and early to help with the annual library book sale. It's huge this year; over twice as many books as last year, and tons more in the Collector's corner (my favorite part of the sale). Since I helped set up today, I got 5 books for free, and could buy the others that I wanted. So I have a box full of books in my car and will have to figure out what has to go when I get home because I tend to get over-run by books.

Then the Storytelling Guild will have its Children's Storytelling Concert at noon, followed by a performance by our featured teller, Donna Washington of North Carolina. After that, we'll have a panel discussion on telling stories to children. Bob Webb will be recording the concert for us, and we hope it will be worth making into a CD. Keep your fingers crossed for us! And come to listen if you can--it's free :-)

THEN we go to dinner, and hightail it to Ripley to put on a Ghost Stories and Music Concert at the Alpine Theatre. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids; come in costume and get a treat! We'll have refreshments too, so it should be a great time for everyone.

Next week I have storytelling events on Monday evening, all day Thursday and all day Friday, and Saturday morning. Thank goodness I have the week off from work! Three schools, a library and an Elderhostel are the venues for the week's storytelling.

Next week is quiet, except for my granddaughter's wedding on Saturday; then the following week storytelling picks up again with another Elderhostel performance, an all-day event on Oct 30, evening event that same day (more about that in another post), and an afternoon event on the 31st.

Somewhere in there I need to find time to make apple butter and get arthroscopic surgery on my #@&*! right knee. That should be an interesting feat. Oh, and go to work every now and then too!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - You do keep busy. I hope the surgery does magic for your knee. My hubby has bad knees, he always let's me know when the weather is going to change from his knees.


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