
Saturday, December 27, 2008

On the Road Again

Since the weather promises to be fair tomorrow, we're heading across the state to meet with 4 of our 5 sons at the oldest son's house. We'll get to watch the West Virginia University bowl game together! That's not the reason for the gathering, though.

The real reason, besides an opportunity for us to be together and exchange gifts is that their grandmother, my former mother-in-law, will be visiting from Florida. Every couple of years my oldest son flies her up for a visit.

Winter is a tricky time for traveling but it looks like it will be a perfect day.
I'll be back on Sunday, with, I hope, some pics to share of the journey.

See you then!


  1. The warmer temperatures and rain got rid of most of our snow and ice here in New York - hope the same for you. Safe travels!

  2. Five sons! How lucky you are. I wanted 5 sons, but only managed to be gifted 2 sons - no daughters. My husband just took the youngest son to the airport for his flight back to North Carolina. The oldest son wasn't able to come for Christmas which disappointed him as much as it did me.
    Watch out for the snow and ice tomorrow. We are homebound for today with tornado watch (Oklahoma, of course) and thunderstorms.
    Happy New Year

  3. Have a good time and best wishes for the Christmas holidays and the New Year.

  4. I hadn't been out visiting in a while and wanted to pop over and see what you have been up to. As usual your keeping busy. Wishing you a bright and wonderful new year.


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