
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Time for the New Year's Bonfire and Burning Our Troubles

Every year my family lights a bonfire on New Year's Eve to light in the new year. As part of our tradition, we write down the things we're worried about--health, money, family, work problems, etc--and we toss those troubles into the fire.

The first year we did this, we invited family and storyteller friends to email their troubles to us to burn, and many did just that. This is the 9th annual bonfire I believe, and once again I invite my friends and family to send troubles for the fire. If you prefer to keep your troubles private, send a simple "Burn This" message and it will go into the flames along with our best thoughts and prayers for you.

Last year we burned nearly 200 troubles; this year it looks like we've all got a lot more to burn! So please send them to me at and we'll be sure yours get into the hottest part of the fire.

Please feel free to forward this message to your friends and family--we'd be happy to burn their troubles too!

Let's make merry, one and all, and look forward to a new year of hope and happiness!


  1. What a wonderful idea!
    My email is on the way

  2. Now that is just amazingly wonderful! Enjoy!

  3. What a wonderful tradition!!
    I may have to try this one.
    Happy New Year!!

  4. I've not heard of this tradition, but it sounds like something we should do. After all we got a new fire pit for Christmas, what better way to break it in ((grins))

    PS...I've sent you an email.


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