
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Flowers for My Sister

Did I mention that my youngest sister is coming to visit today? She loves flowers so although her spring blooms are at least 2 weeks ahead of mine, I wanted some flowers inside when she came.

Here are some of the arrangements I made from what is available now:


  1. I love your flowers and your pretty house. My forsythia (sp?) aren't in bloom yet.

  2. Beautiful flowers-I know your sister will love them-and you for thinking of her!

  3. I like the flowers, I haven't noticed any blooming here in Sissonville but I havent been out much.

  4. Yay! Is that forsythia? That means Spring is here. (Or there, anyway.)

  5. Yes, it's forsythia. We're having a blast, been junking all day today. More later!

  6. neat flower arrangemets. setting out hugs for your sister. What a lovely welcome.

  7. Forsythia's one of my favourites because my childhood bedroom had a BIG forsythia bush right outside my window. It was the cheeriest thing to wake to!

    What I love about it now is that it means I don't have to wait too much longer for my top favourite, lilacs.

    Did you find anything good while out junking?

  8. Our flowes are still sound asleep but can't wail for Mothers Day because one of our daughters always gives me a beautiful tub of varigated flowers for that special Day that last until fall. I have it on our deck as we live on the 2nd floor of our building. Not used to this city living yet but being disabled is much easier for my husband to get the things he needs without traveling a long distance. Good luck with your portable green house. Lilly


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