
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sisters, Babies, Friends and A Busy Weekend

I haven't written in a few days, so this is a catch-up post about what's been going on at my house:

Junking Friday! Julie and I hit Spencer, WV to explore the resale and antique shops. We only got through half of them. Which means we need to do another trip when she comes again, right?

We especially enjoyed the antique mall in Spencer. While many items in the mall are technically not antiques, we found great vintage items and even a set of new dish towels for me.
A view of one aisle of the mall. You can see why I got a parking ticket; who knew we were in there more than an hour? The time flew by.

Back home, the guys worked on an electric fence to protect one of my gardens. Last year the deer and rabbits got more green beans than I did. This year I intend to win. (Intend being the operative word, probably.) You can see who's doing the work! And you'll have to ask Larry about the pie tim with peanut butter on it. Will something like that really trick deer?

Saturday was a busy day as we prepared for my granddaughter's baby shower. Her sisters Cassie and Kate and stepmom Jennifer arrived from Virginia late the night before, but everyone was settled on air mattresses by midnight to be ready for the big day. In the morning, Larry and Julie's husband found the amount of female energy a bit overwhelming and vamoosed early for the Downtowner and tractor places while the wimmens went in many directions to pick up supplies and food for the shower.

It all came together after 3 or 4 trips back to my house for needed or forgotten items. By 1:45 pm the table looked like this:

and the cake looked like this.

We used a lot of my vintage crystal and a few tablecloths and it did look pretty. Jennifer, Kate and Cassie did the decorating--I mostly drove up and down the road to get things, it seemed! But I was there in time to help put the veggie tray together and organize the punch bowl.

As you can see, Jordan is really showing now, with only 6 weeks left to her due date.

The gifts piled up and up and up. About 50 people attended, including two very special guests--my father's brother Uncle Barney and his wife, Aunt Georgette. Uncle Barney was just about the only male in attendance and he was the King of the party in my eyes.

We pulled most of the crew together for a photo (Jaime is missing because she took the picture--thank you, Jaime!):

Five generations together, counting baby girl Cadyn, the expected next generation.

Saturday night Jackie organized a fish fry with catfish, wings, french fries, red beans and rice, cole slaw and more. I was so busy visiting (and snoozing a while on the couch, I admit) that I forgot to take photos of the good food or the bonfire Derek put together. Even though the weather was drizzly, we stayed out by the fire for many hours. Larry and I headed home to bed several hours before most of the crowd gave it up.

Sunday morning was pancake breakfast at my house. Jennifer cooked while I put away air mattresses, blankets and pillows. We then said good bye to Jennifer and the girls, while Jackie and Larry headed to Derek's to clean up the cookout mess.

While they were gone we got a call from the Cow Run Contingent--daughter-in-law Jaime and her daughter Michaela, and friends Andrea, Amy and Odie. They stopped over for a visit and shared some good stories and laughter with us. Andrea and Amy gifted us with their singing of The Two Sisters. Absolutely beautiful to hear them and see them singing in front of the fireplace. A perfect setting.

We wrapped up the weekend with a trip to Pomeroy, Ohio for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, the Wild Horse (situated right on the banks of the Ohio River) to celebrate Julie's birthday a day early.

After a leisurely meal and good conversation, Julie and I tried to take photos of the new bridge across the river and the barge that was passing by, but my shots are not very good. Still you can see a bit of the bridge...

and maybe a little more in this zoom shot. The old bridge, due to be removed, looks ghostlike behind the modern, blue-lighted new bridge.

The weekend had to end, sadly. Julie and I still have things we want to do--we read and sorted my parents' old letters and memorabilia, which brought back memories and raised more than one question. We need to finish that project. There are more places I want to visit with her, and so many more things to talk about. It's my turn to travel her direction next so that we can continue the complete pleasure that is being sisters.

Until then, there is the family reunion to look forward to in May, when all eight sisters will be together again.


  1. It looks like a great weekend and the shower looked beautiful. Good Job!

  2. You might try dryer sheets to keep the deer away. I've heard they don't like the smell.

  3. Thank you, Cathy! It was fun; we haven't had a baby in the family in 5 years or more so we're excited.

    Jason, I will try anything! One year we used elephant dung from the circus. That worked. But elephants are a little scarce right now...

  4. Wow, you had a lot at the shower. Looks like she'll be prepared for the baby. Glad you had a good time with your family. My sister is expecting her first gr grandchild any minute now (if she hasn't arrived already).

  5. How exciting, Janet. That makes you a great-aunt? For the first time? I hope everything goes well for baby and mother.

    I told Jordan she'll have to build on a room to hold all the baby stuff. That child will be the best-dressed in Jackson County, I believe. Her friends were so generous with the clothes their babies have outgrown too, so she's well set. A blessing.

  6. What an awesome week-end! That table at the shower was beautiful and the goodies look delicious. Glad that there was such a nice gathering of family and friends to help celebrate. Jordon is one very blessed young lady.


  7. WOW! what a wonderful time. I am so jealous! Missed being there. Love you. tm

  8. We missed you too, Theresa. You should have seen me cutting the cake--not a pretty sight :-) But I got it done.

  9. We have an antique mall just like that near us in Plattsburgh. I adore it. Looks like a wonderful, wonderful weekend! So many joyus hapenings! The shower looks like it was just terrific.

  10. It was such fun, pines. I can spend hours in a mall like that.

    And Char, thank you for your comment--the decorations came out great. It was fun to pull together the various things to make it work.

  11. I love antique malls and nice flea markets ! I could spend days doing little else.

    Congratulations on the Great grand baby ! and how lovely everything looked. I think a large family is a great blessing. tho a very small family like mine can be too :)

    Sounds like you've been very busy indeed but with all good things :)


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