
Monday, March 16, 2009

New Additions to My Blog List

You may have noticed a few new additions to my bloglist on the right. I try to read many blogs because I find people fascinating--bloggers from all over the country and a few from the British Isles are on my list and I love to read what everyone's doing, or just look at their photos. I think you will enjoy these places:

Country Whispers is down-home. She posts recipes and notes about life in West Virginia in one of the small communities that make the northern panhandle one of my favorite places to visit. The history of glassmaking, steel and the Ohio River combine to create a place with many ghosts of days gone by, and a place where people today are finding new ways to live and succeed in the lush valley they call home.

My good friend Jason finally decided to move his blog from Tripod to Blogger, and I am glad he did because I wanted better access to his writing and photos. Jason is the creator of the WV Sprectral Heritage website, so those of you into ghosts really need to visit there. His new blog focuses on his unique family history and renovation projects at his new old house in Morgantown.

Lost Stones is one of the most peaceful places I visit online. Her simple photos of her rural Wales and elegant, spare text provide respite from our hectic world. Stop by there whenever you need a rest.


  1. Hey Granny,
    I think I know that person. (haha)
    Thanks for adding me to your list and passing Jason's link on. I love to see other WV sites.
    Have a great day!

  2. I bet you do know her--and quite well :-)


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