
Friday, July 17, 2009

Missed Communication

"Are these your jeans?"

"I don't know. I have a pair of black jeans. Might be mine."

"They look like women's jeans."

"Is there a tag in them? You can tell by that."

"Yeah, here's a tag. Let's see. It says size 18 Wide."

"That's size 18 WOMEN'S!"

I should have looked myself. Now I will forever be size 18 Wide in my husband's mind. And my own. That's enough incentive to lose weight right there.

And honestly? Looking at the jeans he was holding, I have to say that 18 Wide is more accurate than I'd like to think.


  1. thanks for sharing ,, thanks

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  2. LOL Yeah, that happens around here alot. Depressing really. I get down and Al ends up telling me he likes his girl curvy and soft when he squeezes. Bless him.

  3. Oh no! My jeans have grown a mysterious big roll of fat over the waistband *sigh*. We've been living on take-away food and cokes the first two weeks here and finally on Monday we'll be able to go to the supermarket and start eating healthily again.

    Not a moment too soon! I wanted to LOSE a roll of fat here, not gain one! LOL

  4. I do this thing where I pretend my dress size is my age. I've been fourteen years old for years.


  5. this made me smile~even though my swampy has put on weight i still wouldnt be able to get into his jeans, and if he put mine on they would still be too big for him! hey-ho as i like to say!
    as with cathy, he always tells me he likes women as they should be, curvy, not stick thin and starving :)

  6. Having taken to shopping at the "Salvation" army store, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of well heeled women out there my size. Thank God.

  7. I am a size 16W (Thats Womens). I have a friend that is about a size 4 or 6. I never go clothes shopping with her. It makes me feel to big, but I love her and we have great times together.

    Mountain Mama

  8. You guys are so funny! Being roiund is fine with me, I can't be otherwise apparently--I don't think I was ever a size 4 in tihs lifetime. But I'd prefer to be a 14 instead of 18, and that's going to require work.

    And being at my nephew's wedding this weekend sure didn't help the cause--wedding cake, breakfast buffet, you know how it is. Susan I'm with you on road food. It is good to be home tonight for tomato sandwiches. Good plain food is what I'm craving right now.

  9. There was about six months when I was 16 years old and a few months when I was 18 years old. I got on the treadmill because I didn't want to be 20. I don't like the idea of being 4 or 2 though. No way. People who are that young wet the bed.


  10. Groan...Jean sizes...Mine, unfortunately have the elastic waistband, but hey!, I still get out and about. Loving your blog, and always look forward to the new posts...
    Want to participate in the Flash 55, how does that work?

  11. This really made me laugh! It should be made into a cartoon:) I'm back to a US size 10 now, it was seeing myself in a fitting room mirror that got me going on losing weight. Rocky Horror Show wasn't in it!

  12. Rowan, those fitting room mirrors are the pits! I think they purposely try to make you look bad--although they'd sell a lot more clothes if the mirrors reflected a thinner-than-me image.


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