
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekend Wedding

It's about 6 and a half hours from my house to Richmond, VA ,but in many ways it's like a journey to another world.

We're country folks. We have dogs and chickens and gardens and gravel roads. In Richmond, this was the view from our window. My goodness.

And this was our room on the 12th floor of the Marriott. Goodness times two.

We had a great time. Our room was beautiful and comfortable and we tried to think of ways to spirit out the down comforters (the windows didn't open, and they were too poofy to fit in our suitcase...).

We were in Richmond for my nephew Matt's wedding. It was held in the lovely Italian garden at historic Maymont Park (which will have its own post later this week). Never have I seen two people enjoy their wedding so much--they laughed, joked with the minister during the cermony, smiled a lot--we were all included in their joy. The reception was a feast of good food and good company, and the late-night gathering with my sisters, brother Tom and assorted other family members was absolutely classic Connelly get-together.

We had a wonderful time and we were very, very glad to get back home this evening. Being in the lap of luxury is nice; being home is every bit as nice. As Larry commented, it was nice to visit Richmond, and even nicer to get back home to our own front porch.

I wish the newlyweds well. They certainly started out with a solid send-off from their two large, loving families and many friends.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! I join you in wishing much happiness to that lovely couple.

  2. Those Marriott comforters are wonderful. Found one on line and ordered it so we can luxuriate at home.

  3. Now that is a good thought, DGranna. I might just do the same thing. It was luxurious.

    Thank you for your good wishes, Mary. They're both teachers--you'd like that!

  4. Lordy Lord, that view of Richmond purt near makes me sick...there ain't a mountain in sight! How can people live there without the comfort and security that a mountain offers? I don't know.

    Shirley's great-so-many-grandfather was the first person to settle in the area that later became Richmond, VA. He was a wealthy man and had a huge house and everything but moved to the Greenbrier Valley after a few years there. And here everyone always thought he left Richmond because the land played out from growing too much tobacco! I know now that he left to find himself a mountain!lol.

    Sounds like you all had a good time at the wedding.

  5. GSue - not one for weddings, myself, but glad you all had a good time. I have to agree that getting home feels good after being in the big city. I was in DC all last weekend and it certainly made Morgantown look small and unpopulated by comparison.

    There are parts of Richmond that are very pretty - lots of older homes and gardens. However there are also interstates like I-95 going right through it....

  6. I can imagine what that look out the window did for your thoughts of home...And, sure enough, those windows just don't open...
    The wedding looked lovely, glad you had fun, but I could feel the relief in your writing about being on your own front porch...

  7. Nothing like a lovely big family wedding, the bride looks beautiful, what a gorgeous dress she's wearing. The hotel room looked comfy but I hate not being able to open the windows - there's no doubt that, east,west, home's best! Congratulations to your nephew and his new wife, I wish them a long and happy marriage.

  8. Thanks Aunt Sue,

    I love the fact that you and Uncle Larry came down for our wedding. It was really special to see so many friends and family all at once. A little overwellming at the same time. I wish that Dana and I had more time to spend with each person that was there, but that is what happens at a wedding. Thanks again for coming and for sharing your experience with everyone on your blog.

    Love ya,

    Matt and Dana


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