
Friday, January 8, 2010


I just noticed that within a week or two I will have written 1500 posts. I did not think when I started blogging that it would become such an important part of my life. Today is my blog's birthday--I started it on January 8, 2007. At first it was an intermittent hobby, partly because being on dial-up internet service at the time limited what I could do. Everything took so long.

Now, it's a daily habit, almost a passion or compulsion. I am constantly thinking about what to write, looking for photos to take, thinking about stories, poems and recipes. It's more than a daily journal; this blog is like an ongoing conversation with you, my readers, and an internal conversation with myself.

I'm thinking about the coming year: what should I be writing about? What are you interested in? More stories? poems? recipes? garden talk? photos?

I would really like to know what you think, and what you would like to see more of or know more about.

And thank you all for being here. It's a pleasure to call you my friends.


  1. Hey Granny Sue!

    Congratulations on 1500 posts! Wow! I didn't realize there were that many either. I'll let you in on a little secret. When I first found your blog I just loved all of the stories and things about WV, recipes and family tranditions you posted that I actually went through every single post you made until I seen and read most of every post you made! lol It took well over a week to do it too!

    I really like your pictures when you are traveling around West Virginia. You get to go to some places that I haven't been so that is neat to be able to see other places that I might would want to travel to. I also like your post on the native edible plants that we can eat that are growing in the woods. And of course I need someone to show me some canning recipes! Your craft projects were cool too!

    So basically, just keep doing what you've been doing! Good job girl!

    Stay warm! We made it through the night without loosing our power!


  2. Wow. Three years blogging. Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy anniversary!
    I've enjoyed seeing pictures from a part of the country I have never visited. I've loved reading about your daily life. It's interesting to see that even though people are separated by miles they sometimes do the same things--raise chickens, garden, preserve food, etc. Keep doing what you are doing.
    Enjoy the weather--we've been below freezing for two days now, but with no snow!

  4. Wow, 1500 posts! You are an amazing writer, I just love them all, especially the stories!

  5. I'm interested in all of your topics. My husband and I are also storytellers, so we both love stories. I like the mountain lore and recipes and poems. Mostly, I like when you write about you -- what you're doing. As one without visiting neighbors, I like to see Granny Sue coming over the hill to share her day with me.

  6. oh congratulations!
    i love you blog and become particularly excited when you post history related posts and i love seeing photos of your lovely home!

  7. Congratulations. I'm impressed. I wish I had as much discipline on my blog.

  8. You have the perfect mix already, I think -- some personal material, some artistic (you are one heck of a photographer!), some poetry, some professional (I love your tales and the links to supplementary and related material).

  9. Thank you all for your comments and input. It is good to know that each of you likes different elements that I include. Although I am not a quilter, I think of this blog as a quilt with many pieces of my life laid out in a pattern that isn't exactly a crazy quilt, but more like a double wedding ring, intersecting, going off in different directions, and yet always coming back to a central theme and all of the pieces making the whole.

    Here's to the next 3 years!

  10. Happy Blogiversary!
    I like the variety of a mix-match of all of the above.
    A little ghost tale, country pictures, yummy recipes and anything else interesting that you'd like to share.
    Facebook is the new rage but I prefer to stick with blogging. I can learn so many new things as well as meet new people.
    Keep doing what you are doing!

  11. Blogversary - love that! Just as I have enjoyed all your posts. You have created such a distinct presence - I love to read about the warm heart of your world.

  12. Happy Anniversary, Susanne. I'm not particular, just keep doing what you're doing. :)

  13. Wow Congratulations!
    I like your posts just as they are; it's a wonderful variety.

  14. Happy Blog Birthday and congratulations on your 1500th post! What an extraordinary achievement.

    I've been enjoying your blog since I joined the blog world back in June. I've loved your pictures and chronicles of your storytelling adventures, as well as your gardening stories.

    Keep it coming!


  15. I've found that the blogs I most enjoy reading are the ones where the writer is writing about what's plumping their feathers that particular day. Passion tells.

    So, dear Granny, keep doing what the spirit moves you to do. It's working for you.

  16. I have loved reading your story telling stories and learning things about w.Virginia that I didn't know. What a wealth of knowledge you have given us. I hope to be able to go to a faster on line service than dial up soon. This other one is ok but don't always have the time to tie up our telephone for a long time. Love all aspects of your blog. lilly

  17. Wow, congrats! I think you should keep on as you have been. I also love the photos of WV. They give me hope because I follow the news and they sometimes make me think the whole state is one huge strip mine. I'm glad it's not. All the best to you for many more years!

  18. Congrats on the milestone. As for the future of your site-I say keep doing what you've been doing-cause I sure do like it!!


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