
Saturday, January 9, 2010


We were in Wal-Mart yesterday, looking for a catnip mouse for our cat Charley, when we saw this beautiful little lady and her mother. It was our great-granddaughter Cadyn and her mother Jordan. Since I am in Wal-Mart rarely, it was a real coincidence to run into them.

Cadyn is 8 months now (born on May 6th) and crawling and sitting up by herself.

She really liked my hair and had a great time pulling on it. Fortunately, I have one of those scalps that isn't bothered by pulling so she could pull away.

A quick shot with Jordan and Cadyn, difficult to do because Cadyn really wanted my camera.

Who is that grabbing at the lens?

Why it's Cadyn!

I can't wait to see how she reacts to springtime and all the flowers, bugs and being able to be outside. It will be a new world to explore for her. I think she's completely up to it, though.


  1. She's a sweetie - a couple of months younger than my granddaughter Lucy - the world is full of wonders at that age:)

  2. Cadyn is our first baby in the family in about 7 years, Rowan, and our first great-grandchild. We haven't seen her much this winter but hope that changes in the spring.


    She's just beautiful. I love the photos: I hope you get to see her more often when this ice and snow is gone.

    Congratulations on running into them both, and on having your camera with you!

  4. Cadyn is a cutie! I'm sure that made your day running into them at WM!

    It is always wise to carry around your camera isn't it! I always have mine with me. You just never know when a Kodak moment is going to appear!

  5. There is nothing better than cuddling a baby! She is beautiful and has wonderful great grandparents!

  6. I almost always have a camera with me--this time it was in the truck and Larry obligingly ran back to get it. This little one is quite happy to have her picture taken too.

  7. I have 7 grandchildren -- and a camera with me at all times. I can't imagine (yet) having a GREAT grandchild . . . but give me about 10 years. :) What pretty eyes this little one has!

  8. She is a cutie. My how time flies, I remember Jordan when she was in grade school with my son David, seems like only yesterday.

  9. What great pictures. She's adorable. Have fun in the spring!

  10. What a treat!! She is so cute, and so lively! Wish I were there to join in the play.

  11. What a little cutie pie! You must be so happy and proud to see your family flourishing.



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