
Friday, January 22, 2010

Red Sky at Morning

Yesterday's morning sky was one of those "I'm going to be late for work" skies, when I had to stop and pull out the camera. The sweep of color was breathtaking, turning trees, roads, and fields a deep shade of maroon in the half-light before sunrise.

Mornings like this make me glad I'm up and out so early. As the month progresses, slowly the sunlight comes earlier and earlier, sure sign of our progression toward Spring. By the end of January, we are all, I think, feeling like winter's grip will never loosen. But the sun's steady increase of minutes is our reminder that all is moving as it should; we may not be able to see it, but underground things are stirring in anticipation.

While this red sky correctly predicted the damp, rainy and in some places icy day ahead, for me it was a signal that we will be seeing green soon enough, and I'd better get out my seed catalogs and get serious about ordering my supply for this year.

Have you ordered your seeds yet? Any suggestions for varieties to try? On Facebook, we talked about the many kinds of tomatoes we like. Several people suggested purple heirloom varieties and I think I may give them a go this year, along with my many standard favorites like Mortgage Lifter, West Virginia striped, yellow pear, Amish Paste, and the 8-10 other kinds we always grow.

I need to know about peppers too? Any recommendations? For the past two years, Lilac peppers have been a huge favorite for me, and last year I tried a variety pack that yielded red, green yellow, orange and purple peppers. That was fun. I usually grow cayenne too, but what am I missing that's a must in your garden?


  1. We need a greenhouse to grow tomatoes and/or peppers up here Sue but last night we watched a TV programme about tomatoes being grown in California and being processed on the farm into tomato paste - absolutely incredible quantities and the processing plant going for twenty four hours a day.

  2. Our garden was a bust last year. Too much rain for the tomatoes and peppers. I'm not much of a gardener but i love my big bushes of rosemary by the front door so I smell it when I brush against it going in and out of the house.

    Beautiful sky.

    Boy Meets Girl in 55

  3. Oh I can't wait to begin the garden. I'll be so glad when the green grass replaces the winter white or worse, MUD.
    We used to get a WV heirloom tomato from a local greenhouse and can no longer get it. The tomatoes and peppers are my personal favorites. Lots of sandwiches and spaghetti sauce if our crop grows well.

  4. Nessa, I would kill for a big rosemary bush. My mother had one that was huge and ages old, but here they winterkill so I have to replant every year.

  5. Was the one you had the striped one, Jessica? That's the one I like. It's difficult to grow because it gets that bottomrot so easily. But the flavor! It's worth the trouble. I hope you locate them this year.

  6. I don't think it was striped but it's been several years since I've found them anywhere. I've ordered some heirloom seeds last year but they just weren't as good as the ones that I remember. Plus when I ask for WV I get pointed in any direction that relates to WV. (WV, Hillbilly and I believe there is another one.) Hopefully one day I can find the right one again.

  7. Beautiful!
    No, I haven't gotten my seeds yet.
    Thanks for reminding me!!!


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