
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Mystery Hole Flash Fiction

Yesterday Susan posted this as the writing prompt photo on her blog:

It's West Virginia's very own Mystery Hole on Rte 60 near Hawk's Nest State Park!

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to write for Susan's Microfiction Monday, but I did drop a little ditty on First 50, where Virginia also posted the Mystery Hole photo and prompt.

The stories people have come up with for this photo are fun reading. Go visit Susan and First 50 to read what creative ideas were inspired by the photo. Maybe you could write a story or poem yourself about it? Here's what I wrote on First 50:

He was an old-style hippie, she was a modern flower child.
They were drivin’ east on 60, across the Midland Trail.
She said, look what’s that? It’s just a quonset hut.
You wanna stop and see? She said I gotta pee.
He was just a little high, so he drove right inside.

Classic stuff! Right. While writing it, I could hear a John Prine-like tune in my head. Strange what a photo can do.

I have yet to visit the Mystery Hole. They are open in tourist season which is my busiest time of year. Maybe this year I'll be able to stop and meander through the wonders of this optical illusion paradise (or nightmare, depending on your point of view).


  1. Love it! Very clever. Also love that cardinal on the snowy branch - my favourite bird.

  2. The Hole was doing brisk business when we got there -- thought it was a bit expensive for what it is, but the kids couldn't stop laughing and had such a ball it was worth it. The pictures are certainly conversation starters! LOL

  3. We took Al's kids up there on Father's Day a couple of years ago and they still talk about the trip. They laughed and laughed and took photos of the toilet sitting out by the fence.


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