
Monday, February 28, 2011

Lovely Flowers from a Lovely Sister

A package arrived in the mail around Valentine's Day. I hadn't ordered anything. Larry hadn't ordered anything. But there was this package with our address on it.

And inside? This pretty wicker basket with moss in it and some weird bumps sticking up. Mystified, I read the label. Amaryllis! Oh wow! From my sister Theresa, who, knowing flowers and knowing me, knew that I would love these late winter blooms.

Now two weeks later, the flowers are in bloom. To watch them grow feels like I am in a time warp movie--it's so fast from bulb to flower. My kitchen is suddenly brighter and my mood is certainly lighter just looking at them.

Thank you, Theresa, for this surprise gift!


  1. Those are the most amazing flowers! She had some at her house weeks before Susan delivered the new little one, and they were incredible to look at!!

    Awesome gift for an awesome sister!

  2. They are so pretty; what a thoughtful sister you have. They're definitely cheerful.

  3. Aren't they, Liz? It came with instructions on how to care for the bulbs so maybe I can get them to bloom again for me later on.

    Mama-bug, I've never had one before. It was fun to watch it grow--so fast!

  4. You are so welcome Sue, I was thinking this morning about them and wondering if they were blooming for you. I do enjoy them in the winter when I feel like Spring is never going to come. And, thank you for the cool Texas cake pan and tablecloth! I am enjoying the tablecloth now, it is beautiful. Love you

  5. Lovely flower photo from an obviously lovely sister -- barbara

  6. Oh good--I'm glad you like the tablecloth! And the pan will be fun when your little Texans come to visit :)

  7. nothing like sunshine and a blooming flower in February and March to lighten your heart.

  8. Amaryllis are amzing flowers aren't they? Such lovely colours too, my dad used to grow a couple of them every year. Lovely present.

  9. How pretty! That was sweet of your sister.


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