
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spring Fever

Lovely warm day, with temperatures in the upper 60s. I had plans for inside work, putting together stuff for upcoming workshops. But the outdoors beckoned, so after making the week's soup, getting the bread in the bread machine and yogurt in the oven to culture, I headed out. And didn't get back inside until dark.

This week's soup: Turkey and Tomato Rice with Corn and Black Beans. Tastes right yummy.

The flower gardens looked a lot better when we were done. We didn't get to all of them but we sure made a big dent.

And look what we found under the old leaves and other plant debris:

These little fellows were everywhere today, busy as bees you might say:

Larry checked the hives today and said the bees were doing their housekeeping and flying in and out so fast it looked like a traffic jam at the hive entrances. It was good to see them out. They probably liked this a lot:

not the cardinal, but the budding maple trees! The silver maples always come out early, and almost always get frozen but they give the bees something to work very early in the season and that's a good thing.

After three hours of raking and hauling, I stopped and cleaned up the porch, giving it a good mopping in the process to get rid of more of winter's dirt and Larry went back out to the field where he is cutting tomato stakes and bean poles. We finished the day off with the first fire in the firepit for this year

and got rid of more debris in the fire. We went inside just as the rain started. A perfect end to a very good day.


  1. I was called out by the lull before the storm as well. Your place is very pretty and it looks as if the green and the blossoms and even the insects are slightly ahead of here. We did find tiny green spikes of the daffodils.

  2. Your soup looks really good! The kids were complaining about the flies that were out today! lol I hope Spring stays around for awhile. Did you see all of the lightening tonight? That was a sight to see since it has been so long since we've seen lightening.

  3. That's a nice pot of soup, and homemade bread!,after a hard day's work, that's good living :o)

  4. Your soup and outdoor fire both look good. We are still at 32 degrees and colder at night here in Iowa. No camp fires for us, yet so I'll enjoy yours.

  5. I love the satisfied feeling you have at the end of a day like that.

  6. Kate, I think you're about 2 weeks behind us as far as the plants go. I remember when we were over that way last year, it was like traveling back in time--our apples had long finished blooming, but in Pocahontas and surrounding counties they were in full bloom.

  7. I didn't see any flies, Angela--thank goodness. Some bugs are unwelcome at any season ;)

  8. Nance, that's a bit chilly for sitting outside by the fire! It's on the way though. The birds and that one croaky tree frog announced it pretty loudly yesterday. You can't be too far behind.

  9. Gingerbread, you know it! I love a good bowl of soup anyway, and have been making big pots on the weekends to feed up all week. Simple and so delicious! Soup is one thing that usually warms up to taste even better than fresh made.

  10. Exactly, Tipper. I was tired and achy, but so satisfied. You know how that feels!

  11. Soup & a fire, your living well. I miss having a fireplace/woodstove, but I can have soup...yummy.

  12. Those pics of the bee and the cardinal are lovely. Total proof that spring is on the way.


  13. And candles, Brighid--fire is comforting (when it's under control!) and a candle brings almost the same peace. Wish you could come share the fire with us.

  14. Jai, those bees made a sound that was as happy as I felt! Today it has poured and poured the rain, creeks all out of their banks--Spring coming in like a lion, and that makes me happy too :)


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