
Monday, March 28, 2011


What to do when the temperatures get so low the daffodils suffer: bring them inside! This is just a small part of what's in bloom but at least these will be around for a little while. Tonight is so cold, I will be surprised if any of the daffodils make it through.

In the kitchen,

on the windowsill,

 in the living room,

 by the computer,

 in the bedroom,

 in the bathroom,

in the log room,

in odd little corners,

the house is full of golden flowers.


  1. Lovely. Ours aren't blooming yet. Not even the forsythia -- though a few miles up the highway from here, they are. Here, all I've seen in the way of blooms are coltsfoot.

    I love your pretty bottles. I've got little bottles all everywhere. I espeically love blue ones.

  2. Beautiful! How they lighten the heart! We are getting another inch of snow here in Iowa this evening but the daffidils aren't blooming yet, thank goodness. Will your frut trees and berries be okay?

  3. I wish ours had held off a little longer, Kate. Some are still upright, even after these last two cold nights. Being on the ridge an have advantages--while it's windier, the temps stay a little higher than in the hollows so we've stayed at 28 or 29 the last two nights when it was predicted to be 20 -24. In town, 25 this morning.

    I think the fruit will be okay, Nancy since nothing had bloomed out really. We'll be getting cold rain and maybe sleet tonight--yuck. Must be your storm moving east.

  4. Here it will supposedly snow an inch - sigh - I so want warmer weather. I'd move south if it weren't for tornadoes. :(

  5. I bet every corner of your home is so cheerful with all those beautiful daffodils! We woke up to a chilly morning down here in Florida; although it's not as cold as what you have. I know you're ready for the sun to crank up the heat!

  6. Still a littel chilly for the daffodils here. I've only seen one out in bloom so far.
    I'm sure they brighten your day!

  7. Mama-bug and Jason, I am ready for spring now. I enjoyed this winter, I really did. I loved the quiet, the evenings of reading and planning, the snow-covered landscapes, the icicles, the colorful birds, the smells of food winter food cooking. Now I am ready for flowers, bees, fresh greens, sassafras tea, sun on my arms and grass under my feet.

  8. I am always surprised at the difference in climate between here and the northern panhandle, Jessica. You're a week or moew behind us, and this year that's probably a good thing!


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