
Sunday, March 27, 2011


Need I say more? I'm slogging along through paper and records and trying to make sense of what I did last year. It's a good day for it, I suppose, since this is what greeted us this morn:

Although it was predicted, I didn't really expect such a good covering--about an inch.

It soon started melting, although the daffodils looked really sad for some time:

One bright spot in today's work was the discovery of a $10 check I hadn't cashed. I had filed it away with receipts. That will by a gallon or two of gas, maybe?

Now the turkey is almost done, fresh (decaf!) coffee is brewing and I need to stop awhile and stretch. This evening? Back to the numbers. How about you? Are your taxes already done or are you a procrastinator like me?


  1. How can there be MORE snow? Taxes not done, most of the basic stuff is ready to tally. Getting there. Hope you took a break.
    - Joy

  2. Sue, we had 2 1/2" of that nasty white stuff this morning. I'd just started cleaning out my gardens, too. Poor flowers--they aren't too happy with me. Taxes are done, though. I like to get that out of the way first thing in the new year.

  3. Snow here was about the same. At first, it was kind of nice. I mean, snow is not REALLY snow this time of year, just a mild challenge to the green grass poking up above the snow.

    As the day wore on, most of the snow wore off, but the cold and the grey didn't. I've had enough cold and grey -- ready for sun and mild breezes.

    Dealing with taxes on top of the humdrum weather? ooooo I feel for you.

  4. I've done ours taxes for years, but this time with the D and selling the house, double yuck! The accountant is doing them this time, thank goodness.
    No snow here, but unseasonably cold, rainy, and very windy. I'm hold up in the ol bunkhouse, working on some quilts for the grans, wishing I had a wood stove to baste in front of...

  5. I'm getting the basic stuff ready too, Joy and am almost there. I really need to do a better job during the year, though, so it isn't such a monumental task.

    Goodness, Judy! I hope your flowers are faring better than mine. The started to perk up but now I see that it will be 20 degrees tonight and I know the daffodils are done for. So I picked scads of them for the house. At least I can enjoy them a little while longer.

  6. Kate sometimes your colder clime is a good thing--your daffodils aren't out yet, are they? A lot of plants will be hurt tonight I'm afraid.

    I've thought about an accountant and will probably have to do that next year because it will be more complicated, Brighid. Hate the thought of paying someone to do something I can do, but sometimes it's wiser when it comes to taxes!

  7. My tax documents are all in a lovely pile, just waiting for me. Can I resist their clarion call? Darn tooting I can. Maybe next year I'll get an accountant. That's a good goal.

  8. My husband filed our Federal taxes the other night. We always have to pay State taxes for some strange reason so we wait until the last minute to mail that one out! lol

    We were at Barboursville in the town last week. They had trees that were already bloomed out and they were just gorgeous. I hate the thoughts of what this cold weather is going to do to them. Barboursville is such a beautiful little town.

  9. I was afraid to wait much longer, Ellie, because I thought maybe I might not have something I needed. I was going to buy TurboTax and download it but with the satellite internet download times can be awful. So I will probably just do them like I always have, by myself and printing out the forms. Next year, accountant. I want to meet with one and be sure I know how to set things up so it's easy to hand over.

  10. There were some pretty trees blooming in Charleston too, Angela, and those same trees get frosted almost every year. My trees have not yet started to bloom, thank goodness, although the flowering crab is leafing out. Oh, wait--the new cherry tree is blooming. Drat. At least this pitcher of daffodils beside me smells heavenly and is some comfort for the all the ones that will likely be lost tonight.

  11. Granny Sue -- I am a procrastinator when it comes to taxes -- barbara

  12. Hi GSue - taxes? What are those? ha ha ... I've got an appt with the accountant this week - I have no head for numbers whatsoever, so I will never attempt to do my own. I'd end up getting audited -

    You're right about the snow. I'm tired of it. Frankly, if this is old man winter, I'd not wanted to mess with him when he was young!

  13. I hear you, Jason! Winter can leave now, we're ready for a new visitor.

    Barbara, I am too. I dread doing them. I tihnk I just need to find a better way to organize my records during the year; then it wouldn't be such a big job.

  14. Snow here in Maryland, not an inch though. Perhaps 'wintry mix' later in the week.
    Taxes--we ask for an extension every year, am not sure why a month or so later makes them easier to deal with. --Jane

  15. Jane, it's just plain cold everywhere; March being its usually untrustworthy self. I should have filed for an extension too, but I would probably just keep putting it off again.

  16. I don't do the taxes, Jay does! :) This year he e-filed and I didn't even see them...if we go to jail I can really say I'm not guilty! Sue, I think I can help you with setting up some filing systems and spreadsheets to use during the year. We will have to plan a weekend together soon to set it up. I can't do the taxes, cuz um, the forms give me a headache but I can help with the documentation. Love you. tm

  17. Theresa, that would be awesome. We will definitely do that. Thank you!


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