
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Busy Day, and On the Road Again

Larry and I were busy as the honeybee hive today. He was catching up on mowing and weed-eating. With all the rain we've had this week, the lawn and weeds have grown like wild things. Of course the weedeater acted up and had to go to the shop, where it was pronounced that it needed a new carburetor. At least all the clean-up was pretty much finished before it quit.

I worked on my workshop most of the day, and also on finishing up the line-up for the Oral Traditions Tent at the West Virginia State Folk Festival. That's been a bigger challenge than usual this year and I am still not finished with it. I also did some eBay follow-up and packed some shipments, did laundry and packed for my trip. I'm off to Ohio in the morning for the OOPS Storytelling Conference! I'll be presenting  workshop called Three Stories Anyone Can Tell. I am expecting a lot of fun interaction in the workshop, a lot of fun times with friends, and...well, a lot of fun in general!

Around noon as I was preparing quiche for lunch, a friend called and said she was nearby and wanted to stop by if we weren't too busy. I am never too busy for a visit with friends. She arrived in time for a mushroom, onion and cheese quiche, fresh asparagus and salad from the garden, and homemade biscuits. We treat visitors right--they're kinda rare up here. Few people want to brave the bumpy Joe's Run, and now the driveway is a challenge because Larry graded it and stirred up a lot of mud. We had a great visit; the porch is a perfect place for a hot May afternoon.

I got back to work after our visitor left, but managed to spend some porch time this evening with Larry as we watched the moon rising. I'll be up early in the morning to drive to Ohio, so tonight will be an early bedtime for this ol' Granny.

Yall have a great weekend. I'll check back in Sunday evening to see what everyone has been up to.

Copyright 2007 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I know what you mean about the grass and the weeds, the rain is having the same effect here! Have a great weekend.

  2. Really wish I could attend that workshop! Safe travels.

  3. I'm home again after an excellent weekend. It was fun, inspirational, and filled with food for thought. It is nice to be back with Larry again, to absorb all of the good things in my mind and to sit once again on my porch.


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