
Thursday, July 19, 2012

...And Off Again

The storms last night did what I feared. The electricity is off again. It went off around ten last night and was not on this morning. At least this time we don't have to worry about the freezer since it is now completely empty. And we have some water stored. The internet of course is offline so I am posting from my trusty phone. Hopefully this outage will be brief. It is ridiculous that our lines in this state are so poorly maintained. The trees and brush grow all around them so whenever there is a storm there is a good chance of an outage. t


  1. Sue, we are about 25 miles south of DC and its just as bad here. Power out for many at least a week. My dad was out a week close to Fredericksburg. Some utility companies here wanting to charge a fee for power restoration on customer bills. ??

  2. I guess it's the season for power outages and storms, but it sure is frustrating isn't it. Hope yours didn't stay off too long.

  3. Sue; for once I managed to miss the power outages. For me, that's a rarity.

  4. I was just thinking the same thing this morning. Maybe if lines were maintained a little better and trees that became possible problems would be trimmed or removed then maybe some of these problems wouldn't happen.
    Hope it gets restored soon!

  5. We got a call while on the road that the power was restored. I kept my fingers crossed until we got home. This time, it was true! But Jessica, if you read WV Fur and Root's blog (linked in my sidebar) you'll see that it is true that other states with terrain similar to ours have much less downtime when outages occur. Our lines are simply not maintained. How often do you see vines growing on the lines, trees leaning over them, overgrown right-of-ways, and similar things that you know will cause a problem sooner or later? But there is so little maintenance that almost any storm is likely to cause an outage somewhere.

  6. When I was a kid I can remember the power company coming to trim trees away from the lines but now I never see that happen. The lines that hung in my parents backyard for years were losing their coating and you would not believe how many birds fell dead from those lines from being shocked. Finally after years of complaining they did come and replace and move those lines to another location.
    I'm sure the reason for this lack of maintenance is due to cutbacks and lack of man power...but for the prices that we pay they should be able to do a better job.

  7. I'm with you about the power lines Granny Sue! They aren't keeping them up. A man down the road from me kept at them last year and they did bring a helicopter out and cut some of the trees. The sad thing is our electric stayed on and that man's electric was off for almost 2 weeks!

    I read this on fb this morning and got a good laugh out of it. It's from wsaz.

    Everyday, there are 500 people across WV working for AEP (tree trimmers, forestry folks, power folks) to maintain the right of way. AEP removed more than 192,000 trees last year and trimmed another 218,000. Carrie Cline WSAZ will detail what is your responsibility when it comes to maintaining power lines and what the power company will take care of tonight on First at Five.


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